Chapter 28: Unfolded Secrets:

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As Akira awoke the next morning, she still felt shaken. Throughout the school weeks, she had caused points of bloodshed but against her own will. She felt overwhelmed. Those moments where she had turned from a sensitive, autistic, innocent young girl to a ferocious wolf-lion hybrid with razor-sharp teeth, claws like sickles, and eyes with a glow of fury and bloodthirst.

She shivered for a second but shortly after started getting ready for school as she waited for Chase to get ready too.

When they got to school, Akira took deep breaths as she and Chase had gone through the gates and towards the Forest Room.

But as they did a crowd gathered around. They managed to come to the front of it to see the door was shredded and as they went into the room as the crowd cleared, they were astonished in a worried manner. There were blood spatters on the floor, the walls, and there were scratch marks and the whole place just looked destroyed like the door was the key to a wasteland.

"What happened?" Chase and the others covered their mouths in shock. Akira was so shocked that she cried distressingly into Chase's shoulder, trembling. It was then Akira and Kody came in front and had turned to their forms. Akira strolled past Kody towards the blood spots. She inhaled deeply and went into a trance-like state and she stared into space. In her eyes, the blood scent unlocked a vision of the event that had taken place. Mr Tolfree was in his fox form. It was then a figure came in with a ferocious growl. He pounced at the figure as they fought. Akira could see the blood spots go where she found them.

It was then she heard a familiar voice in the vision say, "You can write one letter and then we leave. I'll be waiting."

As the vision ended, Akira gasped for air as if she came up from being underwater. The others rushed to her as Akira had a shocked expression. She ran towards Mr Tolfree's desk and there laid the very letter he wrote.

She looked at the envelope. It said, "Why I'm Gone"

She opened the envelope and read the letter aloud. It read:

"To whoever reads this letter,

If this is Akira reading this, then that's perfectly fine. I can guess that you found this letter through your new wild instincts. The blood splatters, right? Anyway, I was taken to the woods. I may have mentioned your form, and I think you may have an idea who this person is who has taken me. He has said for the both of you to duel or I die.

But the certain rule he has said is that you must come alone. He'll know if you bring friends.

So, please. If you want me to live, you need to come to Collarend Forest. Fight the best you can and believe in yourself.

Good Luck,

Mr Tolfree"

Akira folded the letter back up with a surprised expression as she gazed upon her friends.

As she stormed out of the room in a confident and fierce manner, she said "Tell Mr Furlow I'm gonna be late. I'm going to save him no matter what happens."

They nodded. Akira went outside, she went from a confident stride to breaking into a run through anger, worry, and fury. As she ran towards a cliffside, she clenched her teeth, turned to her form and jumped successfully as she thumped and ran to save Mr Tolfree.

Her eyes lit like fire and she roared in fury and ran into her battlefield. But as she faced her opponent, she saw who it was. The hunter had broken out of prison. She bared her teeth. But as she did, she saw he had taken out weapons. Weapons or not, she had to fight him.

"Ready to die, throw rug?" He cackled.

Akira squinted her eyes in anger.

"I WON'T LET YOU WIN!" Akira roared in anger in her words.

They had a standoff, circling each other as Akira snarled. They both charged.

"AKIRA!" Mr Tolfree's words echoed as the battle began. She unsheathed her claws and bared her teeth as she charged at the hunter. But as she did, he unleashed his other hunter friends. She charged into them with mighty strength, as blood and flesh scattered in each strike. A strike, a scratch, a stab.

She was biting and scratching, as she let her wild instincts loose. She was on a rampage. Mr Tolfree widened his eyes in amazement and shock as he watched the fight like an intense movie scene. She saw them take out their guns and froze for a moment. But as she did and shots fired, she shut her eyes. She opened them again as she saw her world slowed down. She dodged the bullets one by one, as she fought her opponents. As the speed of time had returned to normal, the hunter's henchmen were dead on the floor. Blood and flesh were scattered. The hunter looked up at Akira for a second, but as he did and she didn't look, he took the chance to stab her in the stomach. But as he did, Akira gasped, as she flashed to her human form and fell. But as she did, Mr Tolfree had knocked him out with a nip to the neck. The battle had ended. But one had not. And that was Akira's survival.

But before Akira passed out, she howled loudly as it echoed through the city. But what was special about this howl was that only Therian Shifters could hear it.

Tyler opened the door to the English classroom to hear her. Then so did the rest of her friends, even Felix. And her parents did too. All ran towards the woods in their forms as Akira's parents gathered around her in a circle.

"Akira... Don't do this... Please..." Tyler quietly whispered as he cried.

Mr Tolfree then walked towards Akira and put his paw on her chest. He tried to heal her but his power was too weak for a wound so major.

"I can't do this on my own. I need all of you. Place your paws on her chest with me. Even if you don't have healing. Please! She can't die...!" Mr Tolfree said in an emotional streak of tears.

So they all gathered, as they one by one put their paws on her chest. They all howled and roared. As they did, Akira's chest glowed with yellow, white, and blue. As they did, Mr Tolfree removed the knife with his mouth. As he did, the cut closed off and the internal damage was gone. As all of them backed away from her, Akira gasped for breath as she coughed a few drops of blood as she gasped for breath.

They all rejoiced around her in happiness as she laughed with them in tears of joy as did them. She had experienced many times of near-death, but that one was the closest to death she had ever been.

"Thank you, Mr Tolfree. For everything." Akira smiled.

"No." He said with a smile. "Call me Jay. Jay Takeshi. Mr Tolfree is my cover-up. And Mr Ruddle? His real name is Jake Riddle."

He smiled. Akira was shocked. But as the next days came, it started to get better. But as it did, the most bizarre thing happens to Akira.

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