Chapter 12: True colors

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Naruto’s POV

Sasuke acted weird, I wonder what’s wrong… Hinata is gone too… I noticed it when I looked around the class. Maybe they went home, it’s only me who has detention. But Sakura-chan always studies after school at the library because she can’t concentrate elsewhere. I found her there when I was looking for a book. It’s so messed up-ttebayo… After my detention I approached Sakura-chan. She was waiting on me in front of school. I guess she already done her studies.

"Oi, Sakura-chan!"

"It took you long. Why do you always have to get a detention?!"

"Well, that’s me."

"You are just an idiot you know."

"If you say that then it’s probably true!"

"Uhh, let’s go. I don’t have much time."

"A-all right." Why it seems so forced to me? Nah, it’s just a feeling.

Hinata’s POV

I just couldn’t let it be. After I stopped hiding, I went to find Naruto-kun. I just saw him in front of school, talking to Sakura-chan. I wonder what it’s about.

"Uhh, let’s go. I don’t have much time." It was Sakura-chan’s voice! I have to follow them… even if it may shatter me. After awhile they arrived at the park. So unusual. Naruto-kun was hiding something behind his back. It was a rose. When did he get it?! Well, he gave it to her. She smiled, but I noticed it was fake. After all, it wasn’t her decision, it was my selfish wish. I just wanted him to be happy. Nothing more. But… when I look at him, he really looks happy. Just as I thought. A tear was flowing down my face. I can’t hold it anymore… I fell in love with him! Why is this happening to me? I’m not even the right person for him… This way he’ll be happier.

... But then I noticed something! When Naruto-kun wasn’t looking, Sakura-chan threw the rose away. Why would she do that?! Even if she doesn’t see him more than a friend, it’s not nice. It seemed like he asked her about that, but I didn’t hear her answer. She made some explanation. Naruto-kun was truly happy, but she was just faking it. He blushed and wanted to hug her, but she pushed him away, saying that it’s too fast. I don’t understand her at all, he’s such a great boy.

Normal POV

The date is over. Hinata was about to return, and Naruto was on his way home. He wanted to accompany  Sakura home, but she rejected him that she still had a meeting with her friend. She didn't lie. Right after that, Ino came there and asked questions about their date.

"I see you survived. So what was it like?" Naruto heard Ino. He didn't want to eavesdrop on their conversation, but he was curious. Hinata too. She hid behind the wall and listened to them.

"So boring…" she yawned.


"That idiot was so nervous all the time. He gave me even a rose, but I threw it away."

"Wow, that’s evil."

"I won’t accept a rose which is not from Sasuke-kun. Anyway, tell me why should I date that poor orphan? He doesn’t even have parents. Is dumb and not so good-looking like Sasuke-kun…" Naruto heard it all.

"Is she really thinking about me like that? Like a poor stupid orphan?" He clenched his fists.

"She’s just pretty, that’s all. She's just a superficial queen. There’s no reason I should like her…" Naruto thought and left. He didn’t want to hear more.  Hinata heard it too. It upset her. Talking bad about a person who’s not there with them. She always saw the slander of others as an abomination that kept happening to her. But when she heard someone talk about someone she loved like that, she was all the more frustrated.

"He wanted to even hug me, so disgusting. As I would let him…"

"Yeah, I would do the same thing…"

"Yamete…" said quietly Hinata. They laughed at his expense.


"And his whiskers. It’s so embarrassing." Hinata couldn’t stand it anymore. She approached them.

"Huh, Hinata, what are you doing here?" Her head was bowed.

"Don’t talk about him this way!" She slapped Sakura.

"Hey, stop-!" Hinata slapped Ino too.

"Are you out of mind?! What came into you?!"

"I’m just doing the right thing!" Then she hit them with her school bag and ran away.

"Our friendship is over from now on! I won’t be friends with these types of girls!" Hinata ran after Naruto. She wanted to make sure he’s all right.

"Naruto-kunnn!!!" yelled Hinata when she was chasing after him.

"Huh, Hinata?"

"A-are you all right?"

"Yeah, just heard some unnecessary things…"

"I’m sorry, I never knew Sakura-chan can be so mean."

"Don’t worry, at least I know what kind of person she is."

"But you loved her, right?"

"Rather than loved, it was just such an innocent school crush."


"I'll wait for love. Maybe I'll meet someone who really belongs with me."

"Maybe you don't have to wait that long…" thought Hinata.

"Thank you you are worried about me. You are such a good person, Hinata!" he said, patting her on the shoulder. She blushed.

"C-can I go with you for a while? My house is this way…"

"Of course." So they went together, talked, and then said goodbye. Yeah, as always. Nothing changed yet… But something that will change everyone‘s lives is coming…

This is the end of the 1st season. Look forward to the next one! 😁

© Sara Farell & Shawn Mendes

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