Chapter 2: Memory

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Hinata’s flashback

Yesterday my father told me something terrifying. When he entered my room, I thought he would scold me for the B I got.

"Hinata, do you know why I wanted to talk to you?"

"I-Is it because of my grades? But I have only one B…"

"No, this something more important than your grades."

"More important?"

"You know our business, don't you?"

"The dreaded mafia, our gang of the Hyuuga family."

"Exactly. Every Hyuuga cooperates with me, with the leader of the Mafia."

"Even Neji-nii-san…"

"Don't be fooled. He himself came to me when he was 13. He wanted to fulfill his destiny and the destiny of those who committed a crime."

"That doesn't sound very nice."

"Neji confronted it. That is why he is the strongest member. And you, Hinata, will surpass him one day. I believe in you."

"W-what are you talking about? It scares me…"

"You will be meber of the Mafia too. Your training starts now! That's why you'll have to skip school for at least two months. We have to teach you!"

I’m scared. Really scared. I don’t want to be part of the mafia. Hyuuga Mafia.
Another months passed… I finally went back to school. I replaced my glasses with contact lenses mainly for training. They bothered me a lot.

After training Aikido, I started learning to shoot with Neji-nii-san. I couldn't get close at all. It was the nervousness. The idea that I would have to shoot someone this close is scary. So Neji-nii-san taught me to shoot from a distance. It was much better. No one could see me. And I didn't see the target as clearly as if I were standing in front of it.

In fact, I'm still scared, I, I really don't want to kill people whether they're guilty or not. Unfortunately, I have no choice in this… My father was proud of me that I became a sniper, although he would have preferred me to shoot straight away. We missed the sniper, so it suited me. I was the first sniper of this generation in our mafia. I never killed one single soul. Not even any animal. My training targets were just things.

Besides, they taught me to be a spy to be good at something. They used my shy and naive side to deceive others. They manipulate me as they please and I can do nothing about it because of my blood. That's so frustrating… A tear dripped on my hand as I knelt hopelessly on my knees. Is there really anything I can do? How to stop it all?

In fact, even as a spy, I did well. But only with men, which scares me… I always deceived them with my appearance, led them into a dark alley, and the others dealt with the rest. I couldn't watch it, so I evaporated quickly. My heart was so fast and I was breathing so badly that I passed out.

My white dress were covered in blood, the man’s blood. I woke up in my bed in the morning. I learned that Neji-nii-san had found me. Plus, I had a fever, so I stayed in bed for a few days. It must be from the trauma.

End of Hinata‘s flashback

© Jayn; nightcore - Zero. Miz-Kun

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