Chapter 7: Kiba's blushing!

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Hinata’s POV

"So, Nee-sama, will you really go on the date?"

"I have to, Hanabi, I promised it. And it’s not a date, it’s just a friendly walk."

"Everyone says that. He said it just so you will agree. How naive can you be, Nee-sama?"

"Even so, I won’t let him do anything. Don’t worry."

"Uhh, what can I do with you…? I’ll at least make your hair."

"That would be nice, Hanabi."

"So what hairstyle do you want?"

"Hmm, maybe a ponytail."

"Ponytail?! That’s not special at all, Nee-sama! I’ll make you fishtail braid!"

"Oh, all right." Hanabi made me the hairstyle. It looked really good with my bangs. I put on a little make-up. Just a little. And I put on my long skirt and T-shirt with long sleeves. I want to be veiled. I don't want to show bare skin when I don't have to. And I took my handbag. It was the handbag from girls. When they bought it for me.

"D-do I look good, Hanabi?"

"Why are you asking that? It’s just a friendly walk, isn’t it?"

"It is, I just don’t want to look ugly." Hanabi laughed.

"W-what’s so funny?"

"You and ugly? Nee-sama, that doesn’t make any sense! You are always beautiful!" I blushed.

"But it’s not a date with Naruto you know, don’t exaggerate it!"

"N-Naruto-kun?! Date with Naruto-kun?!" I had to blush. I never thought about this.

"Heheh, gotcha! You are blushing again because of him!"

"I-I’m not!!"

"But your face is saying something different. You are all red!"

"Haah!" I looked in the mirror. It’s true.

"W-well, it’s an embarrassing theme so…"

"You won’t fool me, Nee-sama!"

"Oh, it’s already 5 pm? I should go!"

"You won’t ran away, Nee-sama! I have a lot of questions!" I closed the door and left. I hope Hanabi will be all right on her own. I counted with Neji-nii-san, but he disappeared and didn’t come back. I wonder where he is… In front of my house was waiting Kiba-kun. I never knew he knows my address. Maybe Naruto-kun told him…

"Oi Hinata-!" He looked at me. His mouth was wide open.

"W-what’s wrong, Kiba-kun?"

"Nothing, nothing, you look really beautiful, Hinata!" I do not know why. It should please me, but I wasn't so happy about it. I felt neutral.

"T-thanks… Is that your dog?"

"Yeah, it is. Akamaru, greet Hinata!!"

"Woof!! Woof!!"

"It’s saying nice to meet you, Hinata," said Kiba-kun.

"Nice to meet you too, Akamaru. I shook its paw. It was so cute! It reminded me of Kurama a little. When it slapped on my lap. It was so cute. Oh no! I’m thinking about something different again!

"So… shall we go?"

"Oh, of course," I said. He was really nice. But I didn’t feel anything. No romance. It was really just a friendly walk for me.

"Kiba-kun, I wanted to ask you something…"

"Go on!"

"H-how do you know my address? I didn’t tell it to much people. Only Naruto-kun knows it as my classmate…"

"Naruto again?" He was… irritated.

"Well, our new classmate gave it to me. He said he supports me."


"Oh, that’s his name?"

"You didn’t know that?"

"It takes time to remember all names! There is a lot of us in the class!" I giggled. He’s funny. But… how does Mieko-kun know that? I remember him watching me and Naruto. Maybe he was watching me till I got home. T-that’s creeping me out a little. I hope he’s not stalking me.

"So… how do you like it?" Kiba-kun asked.


"I mean, how do you like this walk, hahah…" He was nervous. Is he nervous because of me?

"I like you more than a classmate or a friend…" I see. Now I feel like a bad person.

"Uhh, let’s sit. There’s a bench." We were in the park. Kiba-kun let Akamaru go to other dogs. Akamaru is really good dog. It’s well behaved.

"Y-your dog is well behaved thanks to you, Kiba-kun." I smiled and he blushed.

"I-I’m glad you got along with Akamaru." I smiled. He blushed again.

"So… how’s your relationship with Naruto? Are you dating or…"


How did you like this chapter? I know that it's nothing for you, NaruHina shippers... But I really enjoyed writing this! 😇

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