Chapter 9: Meet Akatsuki

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"Why am I an ally with Deidara and Hidan? They have a lot of money, but not like Kakuzu. Well, maybe they have an ace up their sleeve…" thought Itachi. When he finally arrived at their secret base. He heard a big noise.

"Seriously, a secret base and they're so noisy." Itachi knocked three-times, but no one opened.

"As expected." So he was forced to slam the door.

"Yo Itachi! Kisame missed you!"

"Shut up you artistic fool!"

"I already remembered. Deidara is our main source of ammunition. It transports us the highest quality ammunition and weapons from abroad."

"Jashin-sama, thanks for bringing Itachi to us safely…" Hidan was laying on the ground, looking up.

"As for Hidan, thanks to his faith, he always secures us victory and is not afraid to shed blood, which is quite appreciated in the mafia. But sometimes he gets out of control and does not hesitate to kill his comrades. We've already lost ten of us like this."

"Took you long, Itachi."

"Sasori, you look young as always."

"You can't blame me for looking like a child despite my age. Eternity is so wonderful…"

"What are you talking about, the most beautiful are the sounds of an explosion that kill several people!" said Deidara.

"No, enternity!"






"Cut it out you two, I have a headache," said Itachi.

"If you are interested in money. The number of our debtors has decreased significantly."

"Kakuzu, what did you do?"

"I took their money and blasted them. In fact, I suffocated them with my thread to make it more interesting."

"Listen, you're really exaggerating this. They returned the money."

"One idiot thought I didn't know the counterfeit money. He deserved it."

"All right, but…"

"Don’t be so soft, this is mafia."

"He’s right, Itachi."

"Obito-san." Obito is their main sponsor. In addition, thanks to him, they have such good relationships with other gangs. Except for one. Obito even piled up this gang and named it Akatsuki as an unofficial gang. They are not part of the mafia, but they like to get involved in missions with the Uchiha Mafia.

"I don't see Konan and Pain here, are they…?"

"Don’t ask, they have been all lovey-dovey since that time."

"That time… at the funeral of Yahiko, who was killed by the Hyuuga mafia… Pain, Nagato was an important support for Konan."

"Call me Pain. That’s all I feel after Yahiko’s death."

"I see you didn’t forgive them, Nagato."

"How could I, Yahiko had been my friend since childhood."

"I’m sorry."

"Don’t worry about that."

"Itachi, I wanted to talk to you about Sasuke," said Obito.

"Don't you want to involve him among you?"

"Don't be silly, but he could complete a few missions. Just to get used to it." Itachi swallowed.

"What's going on?"

"My close friend was interested in him. Of course, I rejected his request."

"What request?"

"Request to add Sasuke to his own committee."

"I don't think so! Getting involved means suicide! They are just bait for the rebels and other such groups!"

"Do not worry. I told him. This is only possible if Sasuke does so voluntarily..."

"All right, I believe."

"…or if something happens to his older brother and no one can take care of him."

"He still has his parents."

"They are not that important as you, you will soon become a leader and lead the whole mafia. You will be the main target of the attack."

"Most mafias are our allies."

"You forgot the biggest of them. After your removal, it wouldn't be a problem to bring everyone to their side."

"You think that's what they're after."

"These are just my assumptions, but it is quite probable, almost certain."

"I understand, I will be more careful."

"You should."

"And with that committee, don't worry about it. I will never allow Sasuke to do that!"

"If only it were in your power. Or if it was just this…" thought Obito.

"He is definitely hiding something from me…" thought Itachi. He returned home, and Izumi greeted him warmly, plus Sasuke was waiting for him.


"Yo Itachi, father sent me to you."

"That’s fast!" thought Itachi.

"Izumi, could you...?"

"Of course, I'll leave you privacy." Izumi went to bed in their bedroom for a while. Babies were taking over, so she was pretty tired. When Itachi made sure Izumi was asleep, he decided to tell Sasuke everything.

"Oh all right, I'll tell you everything you need to know." Sasuke was confused.

"From now on, you are an official part of our mafia. In a few weeks we are going abroad to meet the Hyuuga Mafia…"

"Wait, wait, I never agreed to go for it and, moreover, why Hyuuga Mafia?"

"I knew it wouldn't be that easy. As you well know, I'll take over my father's position in a moment and I need someone reliable by my side."

"You know I admire you, father too, but I never wanted anything to do with it. I wanted to live my own life."

"I understand. I don't want to force you to do it. In the end, it wouldn't make sense. Think about it and if you join me, come to our secret hiding place on Friday. I'm sure you know what I mean."

"All right, but I don't think there's anything to decide." Itachi smiled.

"That’s good, Sasuke…" he thought.

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