Chapter 24: Naruto vs. Kiba

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Because they lost their break, they were not in the mood for Orochimaru's class and they were hungry.

"Ara, why is everyone's belly churning, Kabuto?"

"They have to be hungry, Orochimaru-sama."

"Heh, this is the perfect torture chamber. Kabuto, order me a pizza. I want to bother them a little."

"So, so cruel, Orochimaru-sama! I didn’t expect less from you!" Kabuto's glasses shined. He immediately went to Orochimaru's office to order pizza.

"Ahh, I’m so hungry!" thought Naruto.

"I deliberately skipped breakfast today because of my diet…!" complained Sakura. Orochimaru smirked.

"Your tests turned out terribly last time, with a few exceptions. But it doesn't matter, because tomorrow you will write a final test that will test your knowledge."

"But Professor! Then you will have to correct it!" said Naruto.

"Uzumaki Naruto, you always give me the most work. And don't worry, it will be my pleasure to correct the tests. Especially when there are only F!" He licked.

"What kind of teacher is that? Does he want us to fail his subject?" thought Sasuke.

"What a problematic teacher…"

"S-so disgusting," thought Ino.

"He scares me-ttebayo," thought Naruto. Hinata was nervous.

"But I would still be mild. Kabuto, do you have it yet?"

"Here, Orochimaru-sama!!" Kabuto gave him the pizza.

"Good! And now you're all going to watch me enjoy this pizza!" He smirked.

"He, he wouldn't do that-!" thought Naruto.

"Hmm, so yummy!"

"He did it!!!" Naruto felt anxious. Anxiety from hunger.

"This is torture!!!" yelled Naruto.

"Hmm, dud yaw sad somfing, Nerubo-kun?" asked Orochimaru, eating pizza.

"At least don't talk when you eat…" After this hour of suffering, Naruto went to buy food to the canteen. There he saw Kiba and Shino.

"So, when will you do it, Kiba?" asked Shino.

"Hmm, what do you mean?"

"When will you ask her out?"

"Today!! Today I will tell her about my feelings!!"

"Good luck then."

"Thanks, Shino!! I hope Hinata will accept my feelings!!"

"Hinata? So Kiba is really interested in her…" thought Naruto sadly. He couldn't bear the fact that Mieko was telling the truth.

"Let’s go, Shino-!" They saw Naruto.

"Oi Naruto, what are you doing here?!"

"I’m just hungry. Say, Kiba, do you like Hinata?"

"Hmm, why the sudden interest? You never cared about Hinata!"

"That’s not true!!"

"Really? Then you are really stupid! But your bad luck, I'm going to confess to Hinata today!"

"She won’t accept your feelings, dattebayo!"

"Really? Before, I protected her from the nuisance when you were lying in bed at home! And she was smiling this morning when I was with her!!"

"R-really? Then why were you avoiding her when she was all alone?!"

"That’s not your business! But it was because I believed the gossips…" He blushed from embarrassment.

"Idiot," said Naruto.

"What did you say?!" yelled Kiba.

"Hinata would never like someone like you!" said confidently Naruto.

"The same applies for you, Naruto. A failure, a loser, an annoyance… You are everything."

"What did you say?!" Naruto grabbed his collar, but Shino stopped them.

"Let’s go, Kiba. He’s not worth it."

"You are right, let’s go, Shino!" And so they left.

"It’s true. I’m everything he mentioned. Maybe he really deserves Hinata more than me…" thought Naruto. Kurama just listened quietly from his backpack. He had no opinion on that.

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