Chapter 6: Fake love

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Neji’s POV

Naruto thought for a moment. That he would think of Hinata-sama? I will not allow him to have dirty thoughts about her!


"Yo Neji, I was thinking…"


"Actually, it’s kind of embarrassing…" He had dirty thoughts about her! As expected from him!

"Naruto… stop thinking about Hinata-sama this way!!"

"Huh? Hinata? What are you talking about? I wanted to ask you something, dattebayo."

"Uhh, I see…" I blushed from embarrassment. I was naive. Someone like him is too dense to have these thoughts.

"Would you, would you tutor me? As I said, Hinata is going on the date and so… I don’t have anyone. Hinata mentioned you are very smart and intelligent!!" Naruto said seriously.

"Tutor you?! But… I’ll do it for Hinata-sama. She would blame herself if you failed…"

"I see, you don’t care about me at all…"

"No," I said.

"Hah, you are too honest sometimes…"

"Uhh, it’s already evening. 21:00. Naruto, let’s go," I said.

"Go where?" Naruto was confused.

"Gaara, can I use your room? I have to tutor this idiot for tomorrow’s exam."

"S-sure. Good luck."

"Thanks, I need that," I said.

"Even Gaara underestimates me… Are they really my friends, dattebayo?" muttered Naruto. Ahh. We entered Gaara‘s room on the second floor. It was pretty tidy. But…

"Ahh, what is it?"

"So loud, what did you do?"

"I, I stepped on something fluffy!"


"Yo, who are you? Hey Gaara, who are these guys?!"

"I’m so sorry!!" Gaara ran to us.

"This is Shukaku, my partner. He’s helping me with my job." Shukaku? It… It talks… How is that possible? And why isn’t Naruto surprised?

"Shukaku you say, you remind me of Kurama. It’s an annoying fox that can also talk." What?! What is he talking about?!

"Hah, that damn fox softened a lot!! Few months ago he hated humans and didn’t want to cooperate with them!! And he even let you named him!! Haah, that’s so funny!! I have to tell it to others!!" said Shukaku. Others? There is more of these things?

"Hahah, no way! Now I can make fun of Kurama, dattebayo!" They high-fived. I would love to see that Kurama’s face. But when I think about this… Hinata-sama mentioned that he has a new pet, but she never told me it can talk. Never.

"I see you are friends already. I’m glad," said Gaara.

"Hey Gaara, where did you get it-ttebayo?"

"O-on one dangerous mission. We were chasing a gang of dangerous thieves. I was seriously shot, but I didn't give up and followed them. Suddenly Shukaku dropped out. I didn't catch up with them anymore, but I saved Shukaku. That is the most important thing." Gaara smiled. He’s so kind. Like Hinata-sama. He would be better candidate for Hinata-sama than this idiot.

"Why do you ask?"

"Because something similar happened with me and Kurama. It was trapped and me and Hinata saved it. Now I’m taking care of it…" Is it true? Maybe Naruto really has a tender side.

"Shukaku, let’s go for a walk. You need it."

"Don’t say it so laud!! Ahhh!! And come on or I'll pee!!" Hah, that animal contradicts itself, but it's cute, I have to admit. There was a silence. Finally. I really needed that.

"Oi Neji!! Don’t waste my time and tutor me!!"

"You little-!" Naruto took his phone. But a white envelope fell out of his pocket. Hmm? What is it? I thought. I was curious and I took it. It’s rude from me, but I have done worse things before. Naruto was busy with his phone and I took advantage of it. So, I opened it. Huh-!? What-?! What the heck-?! I had no words. H-Hinata-sama, is that really you?! I fainted.

"Huh, Neji-!" I closed my eyes. I was unconcious for a while.

"Oi Neji, Neji! Wake up, Neji!!" That noise. Who else would it be? I slowly opened my eyes.

"Neji, you are alive!"

"Baka!" I said coldly.

"Anyway, why did you faint?" he asked.

"No reason." Naruto looked on the floor. I dropped the photos there.

"Neji, so you saw it."

"It wasn’t my intention, really."

"No, I don’t mind. But… can you tell me your opinion? You are smart so you could refute it."

"Why do you think?"

"You know, it’s weird. Hinata was usually with me. I've never seen her much with Kiba. It’s really, really weird. If I only knew who gave it to me."

"Uhh, show it to me." Naruto handed me the photos.

"Hmm, this is real, but the photo where he and Hinata-sama kiss is fake."

"A-are you sure, Neji?!"

"I'm familiar with technology and this is a really bad photoshop. An idiot would know that too." I guess I insulted him. Wait, no I didn’t.

"Hinata didn’t kiss him…" He smiled. His smiled was bright and honest. So, he’s not playing with her. His feelings are real. I guess I underestimated him. He’s not so bad.

"Hahah, this made my day. Thank you, Neji!" He said seriously and touched my shoulder.

"Almost all the photos are fake. Only those where she's a little blushing are real. But, she doesn't seem to blush because of him."

"A-are you saying that she’s not happy with him? That he’s not her happiness?!"

"I don’t know! Stop with those questions! I can just say that it’s not something romantic. I’m relieved. Hinata-sama is not-!"

"Hinata doesn’t love him, hahah." He’s happy. Really happy.

Well, it calmed me down a little. That Hinata-sama’s pain is just a misunderstanding. It’s not something to worry about. I hope that he will now do everything right. He was happy and much more eager to start learning.

I helped him as best I could. I taught him on the phone. He found a substance from which he was writing an exam tomorrow. I'm surprised he even knows what subject he's writing an exam from. Hinata-sama had to change him a lot…

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