Avalanche of Feelings (14)

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After graduating from college, I was able to find a stable job at a hospital under the Psychiatric Department. Somehow, sending that email to Hanzo made me lose some burdens. I was able to confess to him and it became a relief, especially that I decided to end it. Of course, it wasn't easy but I can still manage.

"Wanna grab some lunch?"

I lifted my head and saw Gusion wearing his white lab coat—as always. He was smirking from ear to ear and from the years we had been together, I knew what it meant.

"Another success surgery, doctor?" I asked while fixing the documents of my patients.

"I ain't bragging but yes so to celebrate, why don't we have some decent meal for today?"

I took up his offer since we seldom eat together ever since we started working. I was lucky enough to have been employed at a place where I knew someone so it was easier to adjust.

After settling on our seats, our colleagues came staring at us with grins plastered on their faces. I couldn't help but flash a smile at them while shaking my head.

"It's been a while since we saw you, lovebirds, to eat here together," Silvanna said. She was also a surgeon like Gusion but she worked here longer compared to him.

They joined us at the table and just as I expected, they started to tease us as if we were in kindergarten.

"Oh, please, Silvanna, let us eat in peace," I jested, only to receive a slap from her on my back.

"No need to be shy, Hanabi. I really like seeing college sweethearts being lovey-dovey. It reminds me of my dating years," she stated.

I tried to set aside her jokes and simply go with the flow. Gusion was definitely biting her jokes and even adding some more jokes. He was good at socializing, no wonder he was popular here at our workplace.

"So where and when will be the wedding?" Odette asked out of the blue.

I wasn't prepared for that that I choked on the water I was drinking. Silvanna was laughing to her heart's content while hitting me on the back and telling me to take it easy. I widened my eyes at Gusion who just returned a shrug at me.

"What the hell are you being quiet for? What did you tell them?" I mouthed at him.

He also widened his eyes and shrugged his shoulders.

"I have no idea," he mouthed.

I rolled my eyes before looking at Odette who was expectant on our reply.


However, before I could even reply, an emergency hit us up. There seemed to be an accident and of course, the surgeons—Silvanna and Gusion—together with the nurses, got up from their seats and hurried out from the cafeteria. I couldn't help but smile because they were devoted doctors and I was proud to be acquainted with them.

Since I was left alone, I fixed our table and headed to my office. On my way, I bumped into Rafaela, the head of our department.

"Miss Hanabi, I have a word for you," she said.

I followed her to her office and without even giving me some time to prepare myself, she had given me some good news.

"With your excellent performance, I included you on the list of those who are attending the annual conference. Congratulations."

"Thank you, miss Rafaela! I'd do my best on this one, thank you!"

"The conference will be held in Finland so you ought to prepare for it. You may now go."

I fell into a sudden slump as I took my exit from her office. Finland, huh. What if I suddenly meet Hanzo there? What if my resolution of forgetting him totally would waver?


Wait, Finland may be a small country but it is still too large for me and him to meet coincidentally. I should stay positive and think that such coincidence would never happen. Besides, I do not have a single idea on which part of Finland he was staying in. Let's just brush that idea away and avoid negative thoughts.

As I enter my office, I got a call from mom. Great timing! I'll be telling her the good news.

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