Sadistic Mentor 5

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Hanabi watched Kagura walk towards the desk of Hanzo. She is standing by the door with her arms crossed and her eyebrow raised.

"Here's your coffee," Kagura stated as she places the mug just beside her new boss. "I am your new secretary."

Hanabi narrowed her eyesight at the two as she witnesses Hanzo lift his head towards the secretary whose smile seem to shine brighter than the sun. She grits her teeth upon seeing her mentor's flustered reaction upon meeting the gaze of Kagura.

"Love interest, huh," she mumbled to herself before shaking off her head down to her shoulders, warding off the cringe she felt just from the sight of the two.

She struts towards them for her desk is just behind and before Kagura would speak again with her high-pitched voice, Hanabi passed between them and bumped her with her shoulder.

Kagura stepped backward and lost her balance causing her to almost fall on the ground but before it could happen, Hanzo stood up, grabbed her by the hand and pulled her close.

Hanabi looked behind and goosebumps dawned on her as she sees them almost hugging each other.

"Thank you," Kagura stated as she lifts her head and smiled like what she did before.

Hanabi rolled her eyes to the side and rubbed her arms.

"Errrrr," she quivered, "Don't do that in front me. Disgusting."

With a click of her tongue, she turned back and focused on her task for the day before she could receive an unfathomable punishment from her not-so-romantic mentor.

"Why did you apply for this job when you have a company to manage?" Hanabi heard Hanzo asked from behind.

"I want to work outside my company for a while," Kagura replied.

She made a funny face before putting on her earphones and turned her music on in order not to hear their conversation that would only make her hair stand.

Flipping pages after pages, Hanabi is almost at the finish line of her task. With her head nodding with the beat of her music, she suddenly flinched when her earphones was pulled. She looked at her side and saw Kagura holding them.

Not wanting to speak, Hanabi stretched out her arm towards her to give her back the earphones.

"Instead of sitting down there and drowning yourself in that book, why don't you just help Hanzo in his work?" she suggested which almost pushed Hanabi to her limits but she endured for her energy is almost drained after a long day of reading.

"You're the secretary, that's your job," she speaks and before hearing another word from the new employee, Hanabi grabbed her earphones back. Yet when she is about to read the last page, her earphones got pulled again and with her fast reflex, she held onto them.

But it seems it was a mistake to do such because the plug was halved in two.

"Oh, such a bummer," Kagura commented and despite Hanabi's energy level almost hit the lowest level, it immediately charged as if a lightning has struck her. Not only her energy level increased but also her angry mode is also activated.

And with the absence of Hanzo at that moment, it was an unfortunate situation for Kagura because there would be no one to stop Hanabi from her furious rage.

Kagura smirked as she witnesses how Hanabi's cheeks turn beet red.

But what she did not see coming is Hanabi standing from her seat and being taller than her, it was easy for her to grab a handful of her hair and pulled it hard.

"Stop!" Kagura shrieked as she tried to claw at her but she could not do so for she is looking down at the floor, giving much more leeway to grab more locks of her hair and pulled them harder than before.

"You're hurting me! Let go!" she screamed, her eyes tearing up for it felt like her head is being pulled off.

"You're just an employee here so don't order me around!" Hanabi hissed and when she saw the door opened and Hanzo comes in with a hurry upon seeing them, she clicked her tongue and with one last pull of Kagura's hair, she pushed her away.

With a loud thud, Kagura fell on the floor, her hair all disheveled and her eyes and cheeks turning red.

Hanzo helped her stand up and fixed her hair.

"It hurts," Kagura whimpered. She grabbed her bag and ran out from the office, her eyes all watery and her head pounding in pain.

Hanabi fixed herself and blew off some locks of her hair off from her face. Her eyes stared daggers at Kagura, then to Hanzo who is staring back at her with a blank expression.

"What was that all about?" he asked, his tone still calm.

Almost out of breath from the hair-pulling she just did, Hanabi rolled her eyes.

"She just came out of nowhere and ruined my earphones," she hissed and before adding another explanation, she immediately felt so small when Hanzo got mad.

"What are you?! A kid?! Just for a mere earphone, you hurt an employee?!" he scolded her, his voice raised that even the employees recoiled in fear.

Hanabi scoffed in disbelief for she only gave Kagura what she deserve after ruining her day and yet here she is getting scolded by her mentor who did not even see what happened.

"Is that woman really your love interest?" she asked as her hand points at the door where Kagura had left.

"Am I witnessing a real life office romance from the two of you?" she added. She even clapped her hands as she walks towards him and when she is close enough, she pulled his necktie that Hanzo bent towards her.

"You two make me sick," she hissed before pushing him away with a glare.

Hanabi grabbed her earphones from the floor and threw it right at him with a click of her tongue.

"I'm done reading the book, asshole," she uttered before turning on her heels and headed to the exit.

Upon closing the doors behind her, Hanabi caught the employees' gaze who immediately looked away when they saw her. She still walked confidently, her head held high.

"What are you?! A kid?! Just for a mere earphone, you hurt an employee?!"

Hanabi imitated Hanzo's words which surprised everyone with her sudden outburst. But what made it even more surprising is when she laughed out loud like a crazy woman.

"So pathetic," she added before turning to the hallway and headed to the elevator, her eyes still raging in fury that she even kicked the elevator door.

"Stupid fool!" she yelled and a loud bang echoed throughout the hallway when her fist landed on the innocent elevator.

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