Sadistic Mentor 8

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"I shall never agree to an arranged marriage! Never!" Hanabi claims and when she turns her back to her father to walk out from his office, the CEO no longer suppresses himself in disciplining his only daughter.

"Do as I say or you shall see yourself living along the streets. I am not tolerating such disobedience now, Hanabi," he states and when Hanabi suddenly stops by the door, he thought he had convinced her but he seems to have hoped too much.

"Then, so be it!" she yells in response before getting outside and shuts the door behind her. She stomps towards the office of Hanzo, her motivation to work hard has already gone down the drain. Her anger towards her father is fuming with rage inside her.

"Get ready, we're meeting with the clients now," Hanzo states but he only receives the anger of Hanabi.

"I don't want to!" she yells as she grumpily sits down on her swivel chair. Hanzo raises an eyebrow as he walks towards her and with the documents in his hand, he hits Hanabi on the back of her head.

"Don't yell at me, midget," he states, "get your ass up and let's get going before I cut your allowance in half."

A threat could have worked before but now is different, Hanabi is no longer threatened by it. She shifts her gaze at Hanzo by shooting him a glare.

"Then, do it! Either way, I will just end up in the streets! Do whatever you want, asshole!"

Her tantrums make her look like a little kid whose candy is snatched away. And at her current state, she is not acting her age and is very much unpleasing. Hanzo lets out a heavy sigh as he leans on Hanabi's desk. He looks down on her despite her glare directed at him.

"How about this? Finish your work this day and before we go our separate ways, I'll hear you out and help you in ways that I can," he proposes which piques the interest of the CEO's daughter. Hanzo is still ignorant of the CEO's plan on his daughter's flight abroad and it seems it gives an advantage on Hanabi's side.

Her glare slowly dissolves and a smile curves on the edges of her lips. With her anger evaporating, she stands up and grabs the document from Hanzo.

"Okay, agreed," she responds before grabbing her heels and puts them on. She even walks to the door first before her mentor.

"Take care on your way home," Hanzo states to Kagura before they leave the office. As they enter the elevator with only the two of them, Hanabi decides to ask for her curiosity is starting to eat her.

"Are you engaged with Kagura?" she asks, though she is not expecting an answer from him for he might just ignore her. But it seems that she is wrong this time.

"She rejected my proposal," he answers which made Hanabi's eyes widen in shock. She covers her wide-opened mouth and she lets out a giggle. Hanzo prefers to ignore the childish woman beside her for he will just waste time arguing with her.

"Now, I understand why you are such a bitter man," Hanabi snorts, her giggles almost cutting Hanzo's patience and tolerance of her immaturity, especially when she keeps on hitting him on the back. "Rejected."

But then, another question comes up in mind so she stops teasing him. She clears her throat as she peeks if he is mad or not.

"But why does it seem like she is chasing after you?" she asks.

"That is no longer your business," he claims before walking ahead of her as the elevator doors opened. Hanabi strides to keep up with his pace and once again, she starts teasing him.

"You must be devastated upon rejection," she jests as they enter Hanzo's car. He remains quiet despite receiving annoying comments from Hanabi. He simply focuses on the road.

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