Into the Real World 1 (Alucard|GirlReader)

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You have a lot of time to spend that day so you decided to go to the mall upon seeing their cosplay event. You are always a fan of cosplayers especially those who portray the heroes of your favorite game, Mobile Legends.

After wearing your light blue,  lacy dress, you grabbed your bag and waited for a cab in front of your house. You headed to the mall and upon entering, the first floor is packed with audiences. And being a short girl, you ran towards the second floor so you could see the stage clearly without being pushed aside.

Your eyes twinkled like the stars above when the cosplayers are introduced one by one. Most of them have portrayed anime characters and Hollywood heroes but there is someone who immediately caught your attention.

There is this guy standing at the end of the line. He is the only one cosplaying a Mobile Legends hero, Alucard. He is wearing the Lightborn costume of the said hero. Though, he seemed to be acting weird for he looked around as if confused. When he watches the other cosplayers, his face seems to wince in either pain or disgust.

"Is he feeling unwell?" you thought as you continue to watch him.

When another guy bumped into him, he pushed him and your mouth hanged opened for the guy has been thrown across the floor.

"How is that possible?" you asked yourself as you ran down the stairs to stop the arising fight. You made your way to the crowd that is trying to watch the fight.

"Excuse me... Excuse me... Excuse me..."

You covered your mouth when the Alucard guy jumped ten feet off the ground with his sword ready to cut the other guy in two.

"Oh no," you wheezed and ran towards the guy who's about to lose his life. You grabbed his hands and pulled him away before the Alucard guy could hurt him.

Everyone was knocked off their feet when the sword hit the ground. There was this invisible force that originated from the sword. You never took off your sight from the Alucard guy and you couldn't believe your eyes when you saw the ground cracked open.

"Is it possible that this guy is the real Alucard? But how is that even possible?" you asked yourself.

"Stop right there!" you heard the securities shout as they run towards Alucard. You got up on your feet and grabbed Alucard by the arm.

"Run!" you shouted before you dragged him towards the emergency exit.

"Why are we running?" the Alucard guy asked. "Those guys hold guns."

"Just go!" you hurriedly said before pushing him towards the exit. "Why do you even sound like Alucard?!"

You led the way out of the mall and hid away from the sight of your pursuers. You leaned on the wall, heaving and almost out of breath.

"Can you tell me where we are?" the Alucard guy asked. You breathed in deep and exhaled before facing him.

"I do not know how you managed to completely copy Alucard but no offense intended, did you get surgery just to change your voice?" you asked as you step forward towards him.

You touched his hair and was amazed. "Did you bleach your hair? But why does it look so natural blond? This is not a wig either."

You looked down on his face and stared at his eyes.

"Why does your golden eyes look so real?" you asked and when you looked closer, he isn't wearing contact lenses.

"You really look like Alucard."

You bumped your knuckles on his costume and it clanged. You gasped as you run your fingers on his real armor and his sword.

"What are you blabbering about?" he asked. "I am Alucard."

You stepped back, trying to process what is happening. You held your chin to think of something.

"There is one thing I must confirm," you said and you grabbed him once again and took him in your apartment.

"Do you know Mobile Legends?" you asked as you open your computer.

Alucard sat on the side of your bed, watching what you are doing.

"What is that? Never heard of it," he replied after laying his sword under the bed.

You turned to him and asked another question.

"Do you know Land of Dawn?"

His eyebrow was raised as he stared at you.

"Yes, do you know how I'll get back there?" he asked you back.

You turned your attention to your computer and opened Mobile Legends. You waited for it to load.

"I do not know if you are telling the truth but this Mobile Legends I am talking about is a game," you responded, not yet answering his question.

"And so?"

"Come over here," you said so he walked towards your direction.

"In this game is where you are originally. You are one of the assassin heroes who was tortured by demons, thus, you became a demon hunter," you stated but your forehead creased when the loading screen started to glitch.

You clicked your tongue, "Is this another bug?"

"How did you know about that?" Alucard asked.

Trying to reload the game, you responded to him without looking at him.

"It was written in your background story," you said.

"What the hell is going on, Moonton?" you snarled when the game totally crashed, impossible to open.

You opened another file and clicked on the folder where you kept the collection of pictures of the ML heroes.

"Look, this is you," you stated as you showed him the different skins he has. You stared at him, curious of his reaction.

"How did you get these?" he asked, totally confused at the situation. Next, you showed a tutorial video about him and he is even more confused after watching it.

"Like what I said, you exist in the game. Though, I wonder how you got here? And the game even crashed," you said.

"How much do you know about me?" he asked you.

"I already told you a while back," you said, "Do you know Fanny? How about Granger? Harith? Or Tigreal?"

"You even know my teammates," he stated. He immediately stood up and grabbed your arm, "Show me where the others are."

You shook your head and said no.

"Just by seeing you right now, I already sense danger so I apologize but I cannot help you," you said and when you tried to shoo Alucard away from your apartment, a hologram appeared in front of you.

"Welcome, players!" Layla announced. She is wearing her Saber uniform and is holding a microphone which does not really suit her.

"The MLBB heroes are lost in the world of humans and only those chosen players are capable of bringing them back in the Land of Dawn! The challenge in this game is not physical fight to avoid inflicting pain to the involved humans. Now, to complete the game, the players must find clues and unravel the mystery that covers the hero. Failing to complete the game within the span of one year would result to the death of the hero and the human. Players, the game starts now!"

After her long announcement, Layla vanished in thin air. You immediately grabbed Alucard back to your apartment and asked him,

"You saw that, too, right? It isn't an illusion, right? Right?"

"I guess that is the answer to my question that you could not answer," he said.

"I am doomed," you said.

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