chapter fifteen

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THE SLUG CLUB Christmas party was definitely not what you might call the social event of the year

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....THE SLUG CLUB Christmas party was definitely not what you might call the social event of the year. But by the way pureblood parents acted in the week leading up to it, you might think that it was.

Jackie, Regulus and Elizabeth had gotten no less than five letters in the past week from their parents inquiring on the who, where and when's of this year's party. They saw an invite to this party as the ultimate sign of good breeding. They thought that anyone who had the favor of Professor Slughorn was sure to do well in life.

As Jackie cast a bored Incendio spell on yet another letter from her father at the breakfast table, Regulus read carefully through the letter from his own mother.

Elizabeth rolled her eyes at the boy as he mouthed along with the word written on the parchment. "Shut your mouth Black, you'll catch flies." She tutted at his blatant display of need for his parent's approval.

Cordelia giggled and joined in on the teasing. "Leave the little heir alone. The longer he clutches at mummy's skirts, the more he inherits." She taunted.

Regulus barely heard them as he read through his mother's demands that were very explicitly given.

He figured that if Jackie would read her letters before setting them on fire, she would have found similar demands from her own father.

"C'mon then." requested Benny, snatching the letter from Regulus' hand. "Let's see what Lady Black has to say that is just so important that it can't wait until after breakfast."

Regulus tried lunging for the letter back but the girl's Keeper reflexes were just too fast and she kept it out of his hands with ease.

Benny's eyes widened as she read through the letter rapidly. She let out a loud chuckle as the two other girls leapt behind her to read the letter over her back.

Jackie gave a surreptitious look to Regulus that he was surprisingly unable to interpret.

"Oh my God!!" Benny exclaimed through a laugh. "I never knew Walburga was such a matchmaker."

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