chapter thirty-three

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A WEEK SPENT in the Potter household would always be a week well spent

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....A WEEK SPENT in the Potter household would always be a week well spent. Euphemia and Fleamont woke her up every morning with a warm smile and a mug of tea and Sirius sent her to bed every night with a sly wink and some sort of cocky remark. Even James had taken to treating her as if she were a younger sister figure, consistently using her as a trial run for his joke shop purchases.

The Potter Manor was always warm and cozy and James and Sirius' parents were eager to make her feel as welcomed as possible. It was not something Jackie was really used to but she found that she enjoyed more than she thought she would.

In fact everything was perfectly peaceful until the Saturday morning before they were due back at school.

The sun had only just risen when Sirius came bounding into Jackie's guest room, worryingly excited. He threw the curtains open with a flourish, nearly blinding her in the process.
Jackie shoved a pillow over her eyes and let out a muffled groan.

"Rise and shine sleepyhead!" He announced, already too loud for this early hour of the morning. He crawled onto her bed, poking the mass of blankets where Jackie laid underneath. When that didn't work, he got to his feet and began bouncing on the bed joyously, singing some sort of 'wake-up' song that he had very obviously made up himself.

Jackie finally sat up, throwing the blankets back with a huff. "Sirius, if you care about keeping my criminal record clean at all, then you'll shut up." She threatened, narrowing her eyes at him.

"Finally she emerges." Sirius shot back, a triumphant grin on his face. He grabbed her by the hands and pulled her out of bed, holding out her pink dressing gown for her to slide her arms into.

She allowed the boy to help her into the dressing gown with an eye roll and fastened it around her tightly to ward off the cold morning air. "You better have an excellent reason for dragging me out of bed at.." She glanced at the small alarm clock on the bedside table. "half six in the morning Sirius! Are you mental?" She questioned, appalled.

"Not yet." She assured her with a wink. "Mum and Dad have taken James down to Wales this morning to interview for the Holyhead Harpies. So you know what that means?" He told her, expecting her to catch on immediately to what he was planning.

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