chapter thirty-eight

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THE WEEK THAT every single fifth and seventh year had been dreading had finally arrived

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....THE WEEK THAT every single fifth and seventh year had been dreading had finally arrived. Exam week. Or as Benny had more accurately coined it: the week from hell.

Everyone had their different coping methods when it came to exam stress. Jackie, for instance, was so hyper-focused that she was on an entirely different planet. Regulus would seem unchanged from an outsider's perspective but his close friends noticed the tension in his jaw and the worry in his eyes.

Lily became irritable, Benny enjoyed being sickeningly enthusiastic, Lizzie would burst into tears at the sight of an Arithmancy equation. Cordelia had an extensive revision wall that had taken over the entire dorm room.

But the person most affected was Remus.

Jackie understood why, of course. Nothing would ever come easy to him in this world because of his lycanthropy and he needed to be smarter and better than everyone else if he wanted a chance to succeed after school.

But as she sat across from the boy at the library table and caught the wild glint of borderline insanity in his eye, she wondered if it was all really worth it.

Jackie nudged Lily's knee under the table and gestured to where Remus was furiously scribbling down Defense notes, hoping for some backup. Luckily Lily could understand Jackie's pointed looks almost as well as Regulus could.

"Remus?" Lily called out, flinching slightly when the boy's head shot up so quickly that he could have been in danger of whiplash. "You think we should take a little break now?"

Remus shook his head resolutely. "We have Defense Against the Dark Arts tomorrow. It's our last exam and I need to be ready." He mumbled.

"You're already ahead of everyone in your year in Defense." Jackie reasoned. "You'll burn yourself out if you don't take a break."

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