chapter two

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"FIRST YEARS, this way please!" Jackie called out to the crowd of worried looking first years who had just stepped off the boats

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...."FIRST YEARS, this way please!" Jackie called out to the crowd of worried looking first years who had just stepped off the boats. As much as it had pleased her to be given the role of Slytherins female prefect and be given recognition for all her hard work over years, she was quickly beginning to realize that it was not as glamorous as she had imagined.

Regulus had disappeared off inside the minute he heard news of rounding up a bunch of weepy eleven year olds and left Jackie to deal with the should-be Hufflepuff boy clutching at her skirts and looking close to bursting into a fit of nervous tears. She must remember to throttle the sneaky git next time she saw him.

"Come on dearie, there's nothing to worry about, the Sorting Hat will know exactly where to put you." She told the boy in her softest voice, crouching down to his eye level. "Now go join everyone else so I can lead you all inside." She sent him away with a smile and a ruffle of his hair.

"Very maternal." came a voice from behind her, giving her the second fright of the day. She jumped and turned to find the older Black brother's smug gaze on her.

"You again." She commented, not at all impressed with his presence. She leveled his gaze with a venomous look of her own. His eyes were almost matching set to his brothers but where Regulus' were cold and harrowing, Sirius' eyes were full of a fire that threated to set her alight.

"Happy to see me, are we?" He shot back, throwing her a grin so wide that it ought to be kept under lock and key for special occasions.


"A woman of few words then Jacqueline." Sirius replied brightly.

"Jackie." She corrected, starting to feel like she was just repeating herself at this point.

She turned on her heel and moved to finish her job with the first years but still had the displeasure of hearing a pair of footsteps following behind her. He obviously hadn't taken taken the hint that their little conversation was over. She continued on her path but finally asked him a question when he didn't diverge straight into the Great Hall with the rest of the stragglers left outside.

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