chapter sixteen

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REGULUS KNEW THAT he was going to get a stern talking-to from Jackie when they made it back to the dungeons

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....REGULUS KNEW THAT he was going to get a stern talking-to from Jackie when they made it back to the dungeons. But Merlin, that girl was violent when she really got going.

He had already heard a few choice words from Slughorn regarding his 'undignified behavior' at the party but Slughorn was like a basket of puppies compared to the glares that Jackie was giving him now. It had been worth it though, to see Sirius bested for once.

Sirius had gone straight to Madam Pomfrey, trailed by James and Lily. A wailing Marlene McKinnon had followed and she had decided to act like he was on the verge of death over a broken nose. Jackie had smacked him over the back of the head rather viciously when he had snickered at the display.

Jackie now had Regulus sitting down on an armchair in the common room as she knelt next to him and fixed his aching knuckles. He had refused to go and see Pomfrey and be forced to face his brother again so Jackie had no choice but to clean him up herself. He thought it was ironic how she was scolding him and healing his wounds simultaneously.

"You are the most hot-headed boy I have ever met." She scolded diligently as she took his hand in hers. "Episkey." She mumbled as she tapped each knuckle with her wand, healing over the broken skin and bruising. She ran a thumb over each ridge when she was finished, checking her work. The feeling of her fingers ghosting across the back of his hand brought a rare smile to his face.

"Thank you, dearest." He told her sweetly, desperately trying to soften her up. He flexed his hand, testing out his newly mended fist. "I'm fixed up and ready for round two." He joked, but was met with Jackie's best death glare for all his comedy efforts.

"There will be no round two." She grumbled, getting up from her knees to sit across from him. "If you can't get along with your brother, then just stay away from him."

Regulus let out a genuine laugh at that. "You sound like our mother." He jested.

Jackie shot him a look so cold that a shiver ran down his spine. "And do not compare me to your hag of a mother." She reprimanded. "You know that I can't stand that woman."

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