chapter twenty-nine

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JAMES POTTER'S BIRTHDAY was eligible to be marked down as a national holiday at this point

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....JAMES POTTER'S BIRTHDAY was eligible to be marked down as a national holiday at this point. Even though Jackie hadn't become friends with the Marauders until this year, she could remember every single one of James' birthday celebrations since her first year at Hogwarts.

Sirius had always been the main mastermind behind it all, bringing Remus and Peter along for the mischief. But now that he had a whole band of Slytherins at his disposal, he was determined to make James' final birthday at school a feature page in Hogwarts: A History.

Jackie wasn't exactly all too happy about this but she couldn't deny them their fun. And couldn't deny them when they asked for her help either. And so she sat down at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall while she waited for Sirius and all his helpers to show up.

She looked down the table and caught the eye of Regulus, slightly obscured by the blonde hair of Lucius Malfoy. Even though he had returned to associating with her, he was still slightly off. He didn't sit with them at meals anymore and he couldn't even bear to be in the same room as Benny for some reason.

As for Lucius Malfoy, Jackie was biding her time with him. But there would come a time when her growing vat of secret information on him would prove useful.

There was sudden loud BANG! from the Gryffindor table and Jackie knew that James' birthday prank had begun.

Lizzie and Benny slid into the seats across from her hurriedly, their hair a mess and wide grins on their face, a sight that made Jackie's heart swell.

"Did it work?" Jackie asked them eagerly.

"Watch and see." Benny replied.

Just then, every owl that had been situated in the owlery came soaring into the Great Hall. Held in every bird's beak was a bright red Howler. The duplication spells were where Jackie came in and she was glad to see that they had worked.

Jackie turned in her seat to face the Gryffindor table as the owls dropped dozens of Howlers in a massive pile at the table where James was seated.

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