chapter thirty-seven

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JACKIE HAD BEEN dreading this moment for weeks and now the time was finally here

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....JACKIE HAD BEEN dreading this moment for weeks and now the time was finally here. How was she to tell Sirius, the epitome of perseverance, that she wanted him to give up?

And better yet, how was she going to do so without losing him entirely?

She still wasn't entirely sure when she finally caught him alone, the Monday a week before their exams. But regardless, she had to try before she hurt either him or Regulus more than they could recover from.

"Sirius!" She called before he could turn into the library. He turned around and his face lit up in a grin so bright that Jackie felt as though she might burst into tears.

"Jackie! Haven't seen you in ages, just wait 'til I tell you what-"

Sirius didn't ever get to tell Jackie what was just so important. He saw the dejected look on her face and his mouth snapped shut. He couldn't speak another word until he found out just what had made Jackie Harmon look like the world had just caved in on top of her.

"Can you to you?" She asked, her fake polite smile looking more like a grimace. "It'll only take a second. I know you're busy with exams and everything."

"As long as you need Jac." He murmured, following along behind her as she pulled him into a hidden alcove just down the corridor.

Usually Sirius would never object to being pulled into a deserted corner by a pretty girl but the sinking feeling in his stomach this time told him that nothing good could come of this.

She stood in front of him, pulling her lip between her teeth and looking at the ground worryingly. Sirius sighed and placed a gentle hand on her chin, tilting her face up so she could look him in the eye.

"I'm a grown man Jackie. Whatever it is, I can take it."

Jackie looked at him earnestly and finally found the words that she had been searching for all week. "We need to end whatever this is." She told him, gesturing between the two of them. "No more kissing or flirting or touches that last too long. I really need us to agree to stop."

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