chapter twenty-six

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REGULUS WAS VERY sure that the past five years at Hogwarts had been cruelly wasted by not knowing Jackie Harmon

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....REGULUS WAS VERY sure that the past five years at Hogwarts had been cruelly wasted by not knowing Jackie Harmon.

Currently the two of them were on Monday night prefect patrols and it gave him almost a full hour with just her. As much as he liked her friends, their constant presence caused him to be that much more grateful for any time he got with Jackie alone. Plus it was an added bonus that Sirius couldn't possibly find a way to tag along.

She walked just in front of him, her long hair swaying gently with the pace of her footsteps. He had to walk a lot slower to allow her smaller legs to lead the way, but he didn't mind.

Unable to resist, he reached a hand out to tug the end of one of her curls, pulling it straight and then allowing it to spring back into a spiral again. He snapped her head around and let her features soften into the glimmer of a smile upon seeing the smirk on his face. She always seemed to find it harder to keep up her grumpiness around him.

"Regulus?" Jackie called out, slowing her pace down to walk alongside him.

"Hm?" He hummed inquisitively, prompting her to continue with whatever thought was tumbling around in that brain of hers.

"What are you gonna do?" She asked. "I mean, after all this is over?"

It was strange how such a simple question could send him into such a panic. "When what's all over?" He replied, his voice straining slightly.

"Hogwarts, after we do our N.E.W.T's." Jackie supplied. "Slughorn was telling us that we have to have a vague idea of what we want to do after school when we pick our subjects for next year."

Regulus breathed a quiet sigh of relief when he realized that was the extent of her worries. Truthfully, ever since he had been sullied with the Dark Lord's mark over Christmas, he couldn't really imagine where his life might lead. If he was being honest, he wished to stay at Hogwarts forever, surrounded by Jackie and her friends and have homework or exams be the height of his troubles. And because of that he wasn't sure if he couldn't see himself apart from Hogwarts because he might miss it or because he mightn't make it that far.

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