chapter twenty-three

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SIRIUS BLACK WAS nothing if not incredibly persistent

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....SIRIUS BLACK WAS nothing if not incredibly persistent. Once he caught ahold of an idea that he thought would work he could think of achieving nothing else but that. James had called it a blessing and Remus had called him tenacious. Now that the idea of Jacqueline Harmon had gotten stuck in his head, it was like she was the only point in his vision that he could focus on. He was throwing himself into this situation with blinkers on, ignoring everything and everyone else.

He wasn't really sure where the concert idea had come from or what exactly he was planning to achieve from it but he felt in his heart that it would be the catalyst for something devastating. He just hoped he wouldn't be the one who ended up devastated.

He managed to catch Jackie outside of the Great Hall before dinner that night along with her gaggle of friends surrounding her. Godric she was impossible to get alone.

"Jackie!" Sirius hissed, calling her away from the group she was walking with. He saw Jackie gesture for Benny to go on ahead and that she'd be joining them soon.

"Sirius." She greeted. "I'm assuming you want a favor considering that's the only time you ever seek me out." She told him, crossing her arms and looking up at him suspiciously.

"Is that really the impression I give off?" Sirius asked, giving her a crooked smile.

"Oh absolutely." She answered, steadfastly.

"Anyways, I'm not actually here to ask a favor." He told her. "I have a proposition for you." He waved the tickets that James' uncle had managed to get for them in front of her face.

"Your proposition is a few bits of parchment?" She asked, a puzzled look on her face.

Sirius sighed and looked at her wearily. "Sometimes I forget how magically conditioned you are." He lamented. "They're concert tickets, it's a muggle thing. And you and your friends are coming." He demanded, leaning over her to slip the tickets into the satchel hanging from her shoulder.

"Which friends?" She questioned skeptically, obviously distrustful of this whole situation.

"Well, the usual, You, Benny, Lizzie, Delia and Regulus. I'll see you all there." He was testing to see her reaction and he saw something doubtful passing over her face at the mention of Regulus' name.

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