chapter thirty-six

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THE TENSION IN the air at the Slytherin table the next day was smothering when Cordelia finally sauntered in during dinner

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....THE TENSION IN the air at the Slytherin table the next day was smothering when Cordelia finally sauntered in during dinner. Jackie saw Lizzie's knuckles tighten and turn a shade of white when the blonde spotted their friend. They all knew that this mannerism spelled trouble.

Jackie nudged her softly and shot Lizzie a reproachful look, begging her not to take things too far. Lizzie was inherently gentle in nature but that also meant she was a fierce protector when then situation called for it. And Jackie knew she would go to extreme ends for Benny.

Cordelia had barely sat down at the table when Lizzie exploded.

"What the bloody hell do you think you're playing at?" The blonde hissed in a venomous whisper, her pretty face turning a light shade of red.

"Christ Liz, that is the exact opposite of calm." Jackie muttered under her breath.

"Eating lamb chops?" Cordelia answered questioningly, her fork hovering in the air.

"You have some nerve!" Lizzie snapped viciously.

"Is she going through her weird vegetarianism phase again?" Cordelia asked in bewilderment.

Benny put her hand on Lizzie's shoulder, giving her a gentle smile and urging her to calm down. Lizzie merely shook her off and narrowed in again on Delia, her eyebrows raised and her mouth set in a firm line.

"Don't act stupid." Elizabeth scolded. "You know what you did."

Cordelia set her fork down now and crossed her arms defensively. She was not someone who took well to being accused of anything.

"Don't talk to me like I'm some disobedient child." Cordelia shot back, a haughty tone to her voice. "I haven't done anything wrong."

Lizzie scoffed at that and ignored the calming press of Jackie's hand to hers. "No? Our friend needed us and you disappeared at the first sign of having to help."

Cordelia pressed her palms flat against the wooden top of the dinner table, trying desperately to keep her voice down and avoid anyone overhearing.

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