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The following morning I woke up early. I first washed my clothes and then I cleaned the house. When I was done I made breakfast for three and I cooked porridge for the little girl. I went to my room, showered and then got dressed in a summer dress that Ellen gave me. It’s actually a miracle that we are the same size.

I went to the kitchen and made green tea for myself. I loved green tea even when I was still living at home. Dad made sure that he bought it every month end. I was also lucky because MaLuthuli and her children preferred coffee.

Back home, dad had 2 kids with MaLuthuli which were Bathanda and Nandi. Bathanda was 3 years old and Nandi was 5 years old. They loved me and treated me like their big sister. But MaLuthuli’s children, my step siblings, which were older than me, hated me with everything they had.  She had two daughter. Sthembile who was 25 years old and Sthandwa who was 21 years old.

Ellen: “you must be very deep in your thoughts that you don’t even hear me speaking.” I jumped in fright and luckily I didn’t burn myself with the tea.
Me: “I am sorry. I was just thinking about my life back home.”
Ellen: “how was it?” she asked pouring coffee from the coffee machine.

Me: “not good. I passed my matric but I couldn’t go to varsity because my father was sick. My step mother and her children didn’t want to look after him so she ordered me to stay home, not go varsity and look after dad. I didn’t decline because I loved my father.”
Ellen: “what happened to him?”

Me: “he died a month ago and as soon as the cleansing ceremony was carried out, my step mother chased me out of my home in the middle of the night.”
Ellen: “she is so cruel. What happened to your mother?”

Me: “she died when I was ten years old.” My father remarried 4 years after my mother’s death. At first MaLuthuli seemed kind and warm and welcoming. Little did I know that she was a wolf in sheep skin. I loved my mother, even though she had her flaws. She gave me tough love, I don’t even remember her saying I love you. Maybe she said it when I was very young. Who knows?

Ellen: “I am very sorry about that.”
Me: “don’t worry about me. I am going to be fine.”
Ellen: “wow you have already cooked breakfast.” She said opening the oven where I placed the breakfast at.

Me: “yes. I have also cleaned every room except your room.”

The kitchen door opened and a man and a little girl entered. I figured that this is the famous daughter and baby daddy. The baby daddy was black, like a black man. But Ellen was cool so it wasn’t difficult to accept that her baby daddy is black.

Baby daddy: “hey babe.” He kissed Ellen and placed the baby on the counter in front of her. “Hey Zelo.” He greeted me. I smiled and greeted back. He sat on one of the stool. Ellen took out his plate from the oven and handed him.
Ellen: “this is Azihlanze, my baby daddy and this is Mabel, our daughter.”

Me: “nice to meet you and she looks really beautiful.” She was just seated on the counter eating from mother’s plate.
Ellen: “I want us to go to the mall so that we can buy clothes and other things for you.”

Me: “but I don’t have money.”
Ellen: “you are not the one who is going to buy honey. You are just going to be assisting me with you sizes.” Azihlanze chuckled.
Azihlanze: “how much is her salary?”

Ellen: “can we discuss that in the lounge?” they both stood up and went to the lounge. I was left with the princess. I took her into my arms and looked at her.
Me: “hello Mabel.” She smiled.
Mabel: “hello.”

Me: “how are you?”
Mabel: “fine.” I tickled her and she giggled so loud. She reminded me of my siblings and I just missed them so much.

Ellen: “you must be ticking her. She loves being tickled.” She said from the doorway and I chuckled. She and Azihlanze entered and returned to their seats.
Azihlanze: “we have decided to pay you R15000 per month, and before you decline, just save some of your money every month to study or start a business for yourself.” I smiled.

Me: “thank you very much.”
Ellen: “now let me go shower so that we can go to the mall.”
Azihlanze: “let me say goodbye to you properly.”

They left and I placed Mabel on the floor. I washed the dishes and cleaned the kitchen. I then dished up porridge for Mabel and started feeding her. She seemed to enjoy it because when it was finished she cried. I made tea for her and helped her drink it. After that I cleaned her up and took her to her play room.

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