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This was it. I don’t care if my story sounded crazy but I had to do this. I loved Sibekezelo so much and I wanted to understand things about her. In order to understand, I had to do my own research. I really saw a future with her. She was someone I would take home to meet my parents and I knew they would love her very much. In fact my whole family would love her.

Currently I was at the University of Zululand. I was meeting up with a lecturer who is a professor in Zoology. I had read some of her articles about animal study and more. She once touched on the snake whisperer theory but not too deep because I figured she doesn’t have much information.

I drove pass the main gate and the security directed me to the Zoology department. I got there and parked my car at parking lot. I climbed off and headed inside. I met a student at the door and asked him where I could find the professor. He led me to her office and left me at the door.

I breathed out loud and I knocked. A voice from inside told me to come in. I opened the door and entered. I found a rather young woman writing on her board. I cleared my throat and she turned to look at me with a smile.

Me: “morning.”
Woman: “hey. How are you?”
Me: “I am good. How are you doing?”
Woman: “I am doing great.”

Me: “I am looking for Dr. Kuhle Hombile.” She smiled.
Kuhle: “that’s me.”
Me: “you’re young.” I blurted out and she laughed.
Kuhle: “I get that a lot. When I finished my degree, I did my honors and Master’s soon after and then did my PhD after that.”

Me: “how old are you?” she chuckled.
Kuhle: “you may sit Mr.?”
Me: “Mabuza.”
Kuhle: “oww you’re the one with the gifted girlfriend?” I nodded and sat down. “So what can I do for you?”

Me: “tell me more about herpetology.”
Kuhle: “before I talk, why do you want to know about it? I love explaining my passion but I got to know why you’re interested in it.”
Me: “my girlfriend, well ex-girlfriend is interested is studying it. So I wanna know what’s so interesting about it.” She chuckled and sat down.

Kuhle: “it’s a study of amphibians and reptiles. Like most other fields of vertebrate biology, herpetology is composed of a number of cross-disciplines: behavior, ecology, physiology, anatomy, paleontology, taxonomy and others. Most students of recent forms are narrow in theirs interests, working on only one order or suborder, for example, frogs, salamanders, snakes and lizards.”

“A paleontologist is more likely to work with both amphibians and reptiles or with intermediate forms. Herpetology as a unified science apparently stems from the ancient tendency to lump together all creeping animals. Modern herpetology is a truly popular science, in which amateurs have made many valuable contributions in such areas as distribution, behavior and even taxonomy.”

Me: “can you tell me about your second article? About the one of the legendary snake whisperer?” she chuckled.

Kuhle: “many people are interested in that. Well many say it’s just a legend or a myth but, as much as I am a scientist and I work with facts, I believe that there is a snake whisperer or there once was a snake whisperer. I mean if I were to see that person, I would probably worship the ground they walk on.” I laughed.

Me: “why?”
Kuhle: “I am sure in a lab somewhere overseas, they are trying to find ways to communicate with animals or even hear what they are thinking. Having someone who can do that naturally, like a gift, that’s phenomenal.”

Me: “do you think a person like that is a danger to the community?”

Kuhle: “firstly, snake whisperers are not normal people. They are extraordinary. They are kind. They are gentle. They forgive no matter how much you have wronged them. They have no bone of evilness in their system. That’s why they are chosen to be snake whisperers. They would never command snakes to attack humans in their attempt of revenge.”

“This is a calling. It is not passed down from generations to generation. Sometimes it can skip generation because not every descendant of yours will be as pure hearted as you.” she stood up. “Let’s go to the lab.” She exited the office and I followed her. When we got to the lab, there were snakes, frogs and other small animals in glass tanks.

“I wanna tell you a story that was told to me by my grandmother told to her by her grandmother. Once upon a time, there was this woman whose name was Sizuzokuhle Mntambo. Well she is not the first snake whisperer but she is the first one to have been killed brutally because of the snake.”

“She was said to be the kindest woman in the village. She treated people with respect and loved everyone, even the ones who didn’t deserve to be loved. When she discovered this gift, she was first shocked but later accepted it.”

“She lived in harmony with the snakes and they became her friends. Well people discovered this and thought she was a witch. They attacked her and the snakes revenged her. The villagers thought she was the one who sent the snakes but the snakes acted out of love because they loved the snake whisperer.”

“They caught her one day and killed her. Stoned her to death. It was very brutal. The snakes dealt with the people who orchestrated it. Till now there haven’t been rumors of one but that doesn’t mean she or he is not out there.”

Me: “I know her.” She stopped and looked at me.
Kuhle: “Sizuzokuhle?”

Me: “no. her great-great granddaughter Sibekezelo. She is this generation’s snake whisperer.” Her eyes popped out.
Kuhle: “she is the ex-girlfriend?” I nodded. “Wow this is great. You have to take me to her. We have to know more about her gift and what snakes think and…” I interrupted her.

Me: “I didn’t come here to submit her as a lab rat. She is my future wife. I just needed someone to explain to me about this gift because I never gave her the chance. She is not an experiment. Don’t make her that. She is human.” She sighed.

Kuhle: “fine. But can I at least meet her?”
Me: “I will call you and inform you the when and where.”
Kuhle: “I will be waiting. I am so excited.” I internally rolled my eyes.

I got what I came here for. I got clarity on Zelo’s gift. I really needed it. Now I just wanted to make things right between the two of us. I really saw a future with Sibekezelo because I loved her despite of who and what she is.

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