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The Luhlelo guy didn’t take the tip and that actually annoyed me. I wasn’t interested in him. Yeah he was handsome and a panty dropper but not my panty dropper. He was so all up in my face, it wasn’t even funny. At times like these I missed Mehluko. I am pretty sure he would’ve chased him away.

I got dressed in white shirt, boyfriend jeans and white takkies. I guess I loved the park because that’s where I was going today. I packed everything in the strolled and strapped Bel in. I carefully placed Seema at the back and we went to the park. We got there and settled down.

Seema: “I swear you are obsessed with this park.” I laughed.
Me: “energy is so calming and inviting. It’s like I am connecting to the nature or something.”

Bari: “I feel you.” I turned and looked at the tree. He was making his way down together with Kori, Jaxon and a rattle snake.
Me: “you brought a friend.”

Kori: “it’s Nolan, my ex.” I laughed so hard I even felt tears making their way down my cheeks.
Me: “please don’t kill me.” I said in between laughs.

Jaxon: “you are so bad at making jokes Kori.”
Kori: “noted.” I chuckled.
Nolan: “how are you?”

Me: “I am good and yourself?”
Nolan: “I am fine.”
Bari: “why aren’t we asked how we are?”

Seema: “jealousy makes you nasty man.” I laughed.
Kori: “how’s everything going?”
Seema: “there is this guy who has been pestering Zelo for a while now. He doesn’t even get the hint that she is not feeling him. I am getting bad vibes from him. So is Zelo.”

Bari: “that can only mean he is bad news. Want us to take care of him?” I shook my head.
Me: “no. let him be. He is going to get tired of chasing me around.”
Seema: “he is so annoying. I wouldn’t be surprised if he would just show up here at the park and disturb her peace.”

Me: “let’s just forget about him. Can I touch your tail?” I said looking at Nolan.
Nolan: “sure.” He stepped closer and I touched his tail.

Me: “fascinating. I never thought I would touch a live snake’s tail or body. Life is unpredictable.”
Seema: “yeah. Never say never.”
I kept looking at the video. I just didn’t believe what I saw. It wasn’t humanly possible. This could only mean one thing. She was a witch. No sane black person would just hang out with snakes and talk to them like old buddies. She must’ve done something to them to make them listen to her every command.

This woman was a danger to the society. She was a witch and she needed to be locked away. I was feeling sorry for the little girl who seemed clueless on what was going on. I am sure her boss didn’t know that she put her daughter’s life in danger by bringing her near deadly snakes. Or maybe this was her way of wanting to sacrifice the baby to the snakes.

I can’t believe that I even fell for this crazy woman. I guess her beauty was just a waste or maybe she was given it to lure men. She was just playing hard to get but she knew that she would give in and then lure me to her snakes.

This woman was a danger to the community. She needed to be taken away. And I knew just the people to do that. I drove to a psychiatric hospital and asked to speak to the director. They allowed me in and I went to his office.

Director: “to what do I owe the pleasure Mr. Jongile?” I guessed the receptionist told him my surname. I sat down and placed my phone on the desk.

Me: “this is a matter of life and death and the person who I am about to report is a danger to everyone including herself.” He sat back and looked at me.
Director: “I am all ears.”

Me: “rather I show you because you won’t understand if I try to explain this.” I unlocked my phone and opened the video. I passed the phone to him. He played the video. He probably repeated it more than five times.

Director: “what kind of sickness is this? This woman is a witch and she is doing something to these snakes. They can’t just be friendly to her like that.” he gave me back the phone. “Thank you for reporting this issue to us. Please email the video to” I quickly did so.

Me: “so what are you going to do about this?”
Director: “we will have to detain her. This is a serious threat to humanity. Do you have her personal details?” I passed him a paper that had all her personal details. “Don’t worry. Now that this has come to our attention, we will make sure that we eliminate this threat from the community. You did the right thing by bringing her here.”

Me: “I will feel better after you have detained her.”
Director: “don’t worry. That will be soon.” I stood up.
Me: “bye then.” I headed out. I knew I was doing the right thing for everyone. This woman was a threat and she needed to be taken out of the community.

Snake Whisperer Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя