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I looked around my ward. I had been admitted to a mental institution and it had been 3 days. They had been feeding me medication non stop claiming that I am delusional or whatever the hell they thought. They claimed that I was crazy to think I could speak to snakes. I didn’t even bother explaining because I knew that that would make me look even more crazy.

I was worried about Seema and Nolan. I didn't know where they were taken. Maybe they took them to the zoo or the wild or a park. I was also worried about Bel. I left the angel alone with no one in the house. What if someone had came to the house raped her or even worse kidnapped her?

Maybe these nurses didn't lock the gate. How did they even enter the premises without being invited in? If I were Ellen I would've arrested them for trespassing but maybe she isn't even worried about me. She maybe had replaced me or something.

Voice: “wakey-wakey sunshine.” That was one of the annoying nurses which laughed at my ‘condition’ as they called it. I just turned to briefly look at her and then turned back to stare at the garden again. I was standing by the window. “Have you taken a bath?”

Me: “how could I when I am locked in here?” she raised her hands in surrender.
Nurse: “no need to bite my head off. I am just trying to help. Now come on let's go.” I took my bathing essentials and followed her.

We got to the bathrooms and I took a quick shower. After that I lotioned and she handed me fresh pajamas. She then led me back to my ward where I placed my toiletries. She then led me to the garden for a morning stroll.

Nurse: “I will come back after 30 minutes. Just try and not see snakes.” She said sarcastically before laughing and then left.

I walked around the garden. It was the only beautiful feature of this institution. Other than that, this was hell on earth. I sat down on one of the benches and breathed out loud. How was I going to get out of here? Were Ellen and Azee worried about me? Were they searching for me or had they forgotten about me? All these questions were running on my mind and they frustrated me because I had no answers to them.

While sitting on the bench, something told me to look up and I nearly jumped up when I saw Eliz curled on the tree. How was that possible? I thought she was controlled by a witch. Or maybe she was running some errands for her new master? I sighed and looked at the flowers.

‘Eliz: “are you seriously going to pretend as if you didn't see me?”
Me: “you remember me?”
Eliz: “how can I not? Sibekezelo Mntambo, the famous Snake Whisperer.” She said sarcastically and I fought the edge to roll my eyes.

Me: “thought you had turned evil.” She laughed.
Eliz: “unfortunately they grabbed the wrong snake. They wanted indlondlo and I wasn’t the perfect candidate. They didn’t necessarily let me go, while they were arguing I escaped but made sure I don’t go back to our forest. I am still searching for a new place. That's how I came across you.”

Me: “honestly I thought my mind will be clouded with figments of my imagination because of the meds they feed me here. They make me numb and depressed. I don't even knoe how I am going to get out of this place.”

Eliz: “I trust your boss. You have made quite the impression on them so surely they are looking for you.”
Me: “where will they begin?”
Eliz: “just have faith. Anyways gotta bounce. Your ugly nurse is coming this way.” I looked up and I saw my nurse. I sighed.’

Nurse: “hope you enjoyed your time here because after breakfast, you're seeing your therapist.” I huffed and stood up.

Lord hear my cries and send someone to rescue me from this shit hole.

I got to this office for my therapy session and found this young woman who looked like she was straight from the varsity. I just looked at her and then sat down on the couch.

Doctor: “hello. I am Doctor Mnqayi and I am going to be your therapist for your stay here.”
Me: “saying it like I am in a hotel and it is out of my free will.”

Doctor: “well we were made to believe that you're a danger to the community Miss Mntambo and unless we can make progress in our sessions, you are going to be stuck in here forever.” I rolled my eyes.

Me: “whatever. We can begin whenever you're ready doctor.”
Doctor: “so tell me about Sibekezelo Mntambo. Who is she?”

Oww God this was going to be so long.

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