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Mehluko’s confession ended up with my back on his desk and him humping me like there is no tomorrow. When we were done with our love making session, we went to have brunch at a restaurant. He was all lovey dovey and no one could’ve missed the love between the two of us. Some people even took pictures of us. He was in a good mood so he didn’t mind posing for the camera.

We got to the restaurant and ordered our food. We weren’t even sitting opposite each other. We were sitting next to each other because we couldn’t keep our hands off each other. We took a lot of selfies and I posted them, together with the ones I took earlier with Mabel. Our food came and we started eating.

Mehluko: “thank you again for allowing me to love you. You don’t how happy I am right now.” I chuckled.
Me: “eat your food and stop thinking about anything else.” he smiled.
Mehluko: “I can’t.” I rolled my eyes.
Me: “help me God.” He laughed.

When we finished eating, he settled the bill and we left the restaurant. We did a lot of activities and when the clock hit 5pm, we went to his house. This time around both of us went inside. We found the maid in the lounge and Mabel was playing with his daughter. They both saw us and ran to us. Obviously Lunzulu came first and she jumped to her dad’s arms. Mabel stood in front of me and indicated that I take her. I laughed and bent to take her.

Bel: “Lelo Bel na play with Lulu.” I giggled. She meant ‘Zelo Mabel played with Lunzulu’. She failed to pronounce Lunzulu’s name but I don’t blame her.
Me: “did you have fun?” she smiled and nodded.
Bel: “lot.”

Lunzulu: “hey aunt Zelo.” I smiled and looked at her.
Me: “hey baby, how are you?”
Lunzulu: “I am fine. I had so much fun with Mabel.”
Me: “you can hang out with her any time after school.”

Lunzulu: “even tomorrow?” she looked at me and her eyes travelled to her dad who chuckled.
Mehluko: “we will see. For now go and fetch Mabel’s bag.” He put her down and she ran out of the room. “Palesa thank you for looking after the princesses.” He said looking at the maid.

Palesa: “It was a pleasure sir and I hope you had fun.”

Lunzulu came back with the bag. We bid farewell and left. I asked Mehluko to pass by Fishaways so that we could buy seafood for Ellen because I was too tired to cook. Then we went to KFC where I bought a boxmaster meal for myself and a kiddie’s meal for Bel. He then drove us home where we found Ellen and Azee cuddling on the couch.

These two, they always fight, break up and make up. It’s true when they say you should never interfere in love matters that include two people because they will leave you hanging. We greeted them and Mabel ran to her parents. I went to put the food in the kitchen and escorted Mehluko out.

Mehluko: “when am I seeing you again?”
Me: “anytime but it would be better on the weekend because Mabel will be visiting her paternal grandparents. So Ellen gave me the weekend off.”
Mehluko: “but I can’t wait for the weekend so I will come see you whenever I want.” I chuckled.

Me: “just don’t interfere with my work.”
Mehluko: “I swear to God.” I laughed. He brought me closer to him and we shared a deep sensual kiss that left me wanting for more. “Something to remember me by.” He buried his head on my neck and started biting and nibbling. I moaned and he chuckled. “I love how your body react to my touch.”

Me: “I love how you touch me.”
Mehluko: “and I love you.” I blushed.
Me: “I like you.” he laughed.
Mehluko: “slowly but surely we will get there. Bye love.” he perked my lips and then went to his car.

I went back inside the house and went to the lounge. I told Ellen about the seafood and I was glad I ordered more because she was going to share with Azee. I then took my boxmaster meal and went to my room. I placed the food and bag on the table and went to shower. After showering I got dressed in my nightie and sleepers. I sat on the dressing table and just looked at the pictures that we took today.

Seema: “you are glowing.”
Me: “must be the refreshing shower.”
Seema: “I wasn’t born yesterday Zelo.” I chuckled.
Me: “so Mehluko confessed his love for me and we are now in a relationship.”

Seema: “good for you then. Congratulations.”
Me: “but your tone says something else.” She chuckled.
Seema: “yeah she is a good guy and all, but I don’t think he will accept your gift. He is your typical stubborn Zulu man. I don’t think he will even believe you.”

Me: “there is only one way to find out.”
Seema: “just hope he doesn’t say you’re crazy or something because that would definitely infuriate your other friends.” I chuckled.

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