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Jaxon: “so you’re going home tomorrow? Aren’t you afraid?”
Kori: “do you need back up just in case your step mother tries her evil stunts?”

Jaxon: “because you should know that we are one thought away.” I laughed. I was sitting under the tree and they were on the grass. Seema was not far from them but she was just minding her own business.
Me: “I am going to be fine. My uncle said he is going to handle MaLuthuli. So I guess she will behave herself.”

Kori: “where are you going to sleep since you were chased out?” I shrugged.

Me: “if I am not welcomed to sleep at home, then I will sleep at the lodge that Ellen and the others booked. I want you guys to go there and spy for me. Just gather what they are talking about, how they are planning on ruining the ceremonies and all those things.” They all laughed. Even Seema.

Seema: “undercover agents.”
Kori: “don’t worry. We will go in and out undetected. But don’t be surprised if we lose our temper if their plans are too much.”

Me: “try not to lose the temper because they will just say I sent you guys. I am a witch now. You know how these people are.”
Jaxon: “we will try.”
Me: “you can go now. I wanna head back inside and finish packing my clothes.”
Kori: “see you soon.” They left.

I went back inside the house. I left Seema in the backyard because she said she was still enjoying the sun. Seema is one unique snake. I got to my room and packed my clothes. I had loaded the things I bought in the car. Ellen allowed me to take one of her cars with, an SUV. It made things so much easier. I finished packing clothes and took the luggage to the car.

I then went to the kitchen and started preparing supper. I cooked chicken paella and sticky wings as starters. I had this tendency of just preparing feasts whenever I felt like it. I then made pap with beef curry, creamy spinach and butternut salad for the main course. I concluded the meal with chocolate covered Oreos. I was in the mood nje.

When I was done preparing the food, I went to my room. I bathed and got dressed in my short pajamas and a silk gown. I went downstairs and I frowned when I saw Azee and his friends with Ellen and Phezana at the lounge. Anyways I greeted them.

Masiko: “the aroma is so inviting. I hope there is enough for everyone.” I chuckled.
Ellen: “let’s help you set up the table.” Luckily there was enough food so we dished on casserole dishes and placed everything on the dining table. We also placed beer and wine. We then called everyone and we sat down. We started eating.

Mehluko: “this is delicious. I should wife you.” I chuckled and rolled my eyes.
Ellen: “I will charge you half a million for lobola.” We all laughed.

Mehluko: “I will pay even a million for her.” I blushed and looked down.
Phezana: “soon we will be singing ‘umakoti ungowethu’,” I chuckled and Mehluko had this crazy smug on his face. I just rolled my eyes.

We ate while making light conversation. Mehluko was being his usual crazy and funny self. When we were done eating, I served desert. They continued complimenting my food and I just smiled and blushed here and there. When we were done, i washed the dishes and cleaned the table. I went to the lounge where everyone was chilling. I sat down next to Mehluko and he took my feet into his lap and started massaging them.

Phezana: “you guys are making me jealous.” I giggled and Mehluko chuckled.
Me: “lapho we are not even dating.” He pinched my foot and I nearly jumped up. Everyone laughed. I saw Seema making her way down the stairs. I stood up and went to take her into my arms. “Anyone who is afraid of snakes here?”

Phezana: “don’t bring it closer to me. I am terrified of snakes.” I sat down on my original space.
Me: “but she is harmless.”
Mehluko: “how do you know that she is a she?” he asked taking her from my hands.

Seema: “he is cute.” I just laughed.
Me: “trust me, I just know.” He rolled his eyes.
Mehluko: “well if it’s a she, she is beautiful.” Seema chuckled.
Me: “I have an early morning so I better head to bed.”

Mehluko: “let me go tuck you in.” I rolled my eyes and everyone laughed. I stood up and he stood up with Seema laying delicately in his hands. We went to my room and I took Seema and placed her on her tank. “You have a beautiful room.”

Me: “thank you.” I removed my gown and hanged it in the wardrobe. “Are you seriously going to tuck me in?” he chuckled and came to stand in front of me.

Mehluko: “was hoping for a quickie but I don’t wanna traumatize your baby.” He said eyeing Seema and I just giggled. He placed his hands on my waist and gave me a deep passionate kiss that left me breathless. “See you on Saturday.” He perked my lips and then exited. I breathed out loud and went to lock the door. I climbed into the bed.

Seema: “he seems like a nice young man. He would make a great husband. But I don’t know if he will accept your gift.”
Me: “he is not even my boyfriend Seema.”
Seema: “I am just saying.” I huffed and switched off my side lamp. “Good night Zelo.”

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