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I had a friend who was a hacker so I just gave him all the necessary information that would help in finding Zelo. I was really worried about her. I wondered how she was holding up. Imagine being locked up with mentally ill people whereas you are sane. It was surely torture for her and I know they kept on feeding her so many pills just to make her insane.

I stayed with Maweza as he hacked into Luhlelo's gadgets. He managed to find the video of Zelo talking to snakes and deleted it. He then found an email which it was sent to.

He searched the email and it led him straight to a mental institution in Mpumalanga, eMalahleni. I was relieved that we had at least found her location. He continued with his things while I stood up and called Doctor Kuhle. She answered after a while.

Doctor: “Professor Hombile speaking, how may I assist you?”
Me: “professor, this is Mehluko.”
Doctor: “oww the friend of the snake Whisperer?” I chuckled.

Me: “yes. I need your help. They locked her in an institution because they believed that she was a danger to the community. I need your help in taking her out. Maybe you can convince them or something.” She sighed.

Doctor: “I will be happy to assist. Even though it won't be easy to get through to non believers. Where is she?”

Me: “in Mpumalanga. I will book you a flight to Joburg and then we can go together to Mpumalanga. Is it possible that you can come tomorrow?”

Doctor: “you're lucky I am in a sick leave. Will see you tomorrow then.”
Me: “thanks doc. Bye.” I hang up and smiled a little.
Maweza: “got a plan?” I nodded.

Me: “if they have no proof then they can't detain her. I am just hoping she hasn’t said anything that will incriminate her.”
Maweza: “even if she has said anything, it won't matter because there will be no evidence of the allegations.”

Me: “I just can't wait to see her.”
Maweza: “you got it bad man.” I showed him the middle finger and he laughed.

Being here in this mental institution has been therapeutic on its own. I knew that opening up about my gift would make me look crazy, so instead I just chose to focus on the death of my parents and told my therapist that I was depressed.

The director of this hospital once sat in on our sessions and he was very mad that I wasn't opening up about my gift. He shouted and cursed at me. The therapist ended up asking him to leave because his behaviour was just barbaric.

Most patients had visitors once or twice a week, depending on their progress and behaviour. Due to my unlawful admittance, I didn't any visitors and I had accepted that even though it was a bitter pill to swallow.

I had made a friend and her name was Lucinda. She was a single parent because her baby daddy was a psycho which she was running away from. He was rich and a gangster so when he finally found them, she had her locked up in here and filled for full custody of the child which he won because Lucy was deemed unfit to be a parent since she was ‘insane'. Well she also didn't have visitors because her family thought she had fled the country as usual.

I had one visitor though, Luhlelo. How I wished I could kill that guy because he was the reason I was in here. He persuaded me from time to time to open up to the therapist so that I could get help sooner. I hated him with every fiber in my bone but it was just going to end there. I wasn’t about to send Eliz to kill him.

Eliz, another friend I had. She was just wonderful. We had grew very close. She literally visited me every morning. I even introduced her to Lucy who was very pleased to meet her. White people.

I knew that my life had changed because of my current situation but I never stopped praying and hoping that one day someone would rescue me from this hell hole.

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