Chapter 1

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The light of the morning sun streamed in through the window of the office. There on his desk sat a man that had stayed all night up. His eyes trailed towards the window as he blinked at the sight he saw.

It's already morning. This was all that rang through Levi's head as another thought came crashing in.

I want some tea, but I don't want to get it. Levi groaned as he leaned back and dragged his hands down his faces.

Knock! Knock!

This started Levi causing him to jump and stare at the door. He wondered who it could have been. Usually the cadets weren't up at this hour. Levi quickly cleared his throat and straightened himself out.

"State your name and business."

"This is cadet (Y/n), Sir. I'm from Captain Mike's squad. I have something to give you." A familiar yet unknown voice called out from the other side of the door.

"Enter." With the door opened showing a man holding a plate with a teapot and a teacup. He was tall compared to Levi, but in reality he has pretty average height for his age. Levi examined him as he made his way towards him. He remembered him as the man that interrupted his talk with Mike.

What could this brat want at this hour?

"Good morning sir. I brought you something to wake you up a bit." The man then settled the plate on Levi's desk and poured tea into the tea cup. "My squad captain told me that you like tea so I thought that I should bring you some." He then picked up the teacup and held it in front of Levi, waiting for him to receive it.



Awkward Silence...

That's all that was heard throughout the room...

Complete and utter silence...

All (Y/n) could do was awkwardly smile as Levi looked at him with a WTF face.

"Um... Sir... Is there something wrong?" (Y/n) question, eyeing him, wanting to get out of the awkwardness that was formed in the room.

"Who the fuck are you?" He questioned as he stayed still not moving to receive the teacup that was offered to him. With that (Y/n) put the teacup back on the plate. He straightened himself up and raised his hand up to make the salute.

"My name is (Y/n) (L/n), Sir" The determination could be heard in his voice. "I have a mission and that mission is to make your day a bit brighter. So, please, let me help you." With that he bowed, still in salute, leaving a confused Levi to just stare at his head. All the sudden the door swung open, showing a short girl with strawberry blonde hair.

"Hey Captain! Good mor- Uhhhhh..." Still holding the handle stood a confused Petra examining the room and atmosphere.

What the FUCK is going on!

"Petra, can you please wait outside until I call you." Levi said, rubbing his eyes.

"Yes, Sir!" Petra quickly closed the door fleeing from whatever the fuck was going on in there. Back in the room, a still bowing (Y/n) stood in front of Levi as he started regretting how long he had been bowing for.

"Cadet. Stand up. Now." (Y/n) quickly rose up and waited for what was to come next. "I don't need your help, brat. I'm fine. Now leave." Levi waved his hand towards the door as looked back at his papers.

"No." Levi looked back at (Y/n) with an angry expression.


"I'm sorry sir, but I can't. As a cadet it is my responsibility to help my superiors even when they don't ask for it." (Y/n) stood still, determined more than ever. "I am sorry if I make myself seem annoying or out of my place, but I want to help you." Levi started at the (h/c) in shock, "Besides, people that say 'I'm fine.' usually tend to be the opposite."


"I don't care what you think. I don't need your pity, brat." Levi growled at (Y/n)'s face. Yet (Y/n) didn't move or flinch, he just stood tall, looking at Levi with determination.

"If that's what you are worried about, Sir. Then, I will be selfish and do this so I can satisfy myself." (Y/n) softened his stare and dropped his salute. Levi couldn't understand him. Why would he bother to "help" Levi and "make him happier"? They don't know each other, so why?

"Thank you for your time, Sir. I should get going now." And with that he bowed one more time and left, leaving the tea behind for Levi to enjoy. As he left, Levi watched him until he was out of his sight. Many questions roamed Levi's mind.


"Soooooo..." Petra poked her head into the room, "What was all that about captain?" She then walked in the room, closing the door behind her. Levi paused for a minute thinking for an answer as his eyes trailed back at the teacup (Y/n) had offered him.

"To be honest..." He then took the teacup and sat down, "I don't know." He then lifted it to his lips and sipped the beverage surprised at how good it was.

Maybe... This won't be so bad.. Hopefully.

(Levi x Male Reader) Are You Happy Now?Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora