Chapter 4

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 "(Y/n)?" It was a normal morning. (Y/n) had just left Levi's office and started heading to Mike's when he heard the man himself call him out. The nice and clean halls of this area were not so full of people so the sudden call startled him, even though it wasn't loud.

"Uh?" (Y/n) turned around searching in the hallway for the one that called him as his eyes landed on his friend sending a small wave at him. "Good Morning, Mike?" (Y/n) waited for Mike so they could walk together. Mike returned the gesture as he walked towards (Y/n).

"Did you just come from Levi's?" Mike asked as they continued walking. His body faced forwards as he made small talk with (Y/n).

"Yeah!" (Y/n)'s face brightened up as he turned to Mike. Talking about Levi was something (Y/n) could do anytime. After all, Levi was an interesting person, according to (Y/n). "We had a small conversation."

"So I'm guessing the mission is going smoothly." Mike glanced towards his friend. Still a bit shocked that Levi was talking to someone so frequently even though he had just met them not so long ago.

"It is." (Y/n) softly smiled. He then remembered what his little name for Levi was and decided to tell him. "He even let me call him Beautiful."


Mike choked on his saliva as he heard his friend declare his statement. (Y/n) was either very brave or really naive. Only people that were lovers would call their partners that. And for Levi to continue to let him call him that. The world must surely be ending.

"Wow!" (Y/n) stopped and checked if Mike was alright. "Are you okay?" (Y/n) wondered why the people that he told this to (just Mike and Levi) would suddenly start choking or coughing.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Mike said, straightening himself as they walked again. He was still a bit shaken about it and also had the erg to chuckle at this. "So, how did Levi react to being called that?"

"Hum?" (Y/n) thought back to the times he called Levi Beautiful. He was also wondering why Mike asked him that, but he won't question it. "At first, he started choking and coughing. Then the second time, he flinched, but now he seems fine with it." (Y/n) finished with a smile.

Mike did whatever it took to not laugh at this. (Y/n) was very dedicated to this mission, he could smell the tea off of him every morning and laughing could make him out to be making fun of (Y/n), so he kept it to himself. After all, someone needed to support him and his crazy mission because if he didn't who else would.

"That's great." Mike stopped as their path separated. "I should get going. Everyone is probably at the meeting now." Mike hoped he wasn't the last one to get there, he didn't want to hear their nagging.

"Okay. See you later, Mike!" (Y/n) said waving him off. He watched Mike disappear into another hall before he left himself. (Y/n) headed back to Mike's office to get some papers, he will need them later on. When he got there, he opened the door and headed straight to where they were, which was Mike's desk. He reached his hand to grab the papers off Mike's desk. As he lifted the papers, he saw the folder full of papers that Mike was supposed to take with him to the meeting. He reached for it and examined the papers to make sure it was the folder. When he confirmed that it indeed was the folder, he sighed.

"I'll need to hurry if I want to give it to him before the meeting starts." (Y/n) grabbed the folders, placed it on his arms, and headed to where the meeting was, which was on the other side of the building.


Mike reached for the doorknob of the meeting room. He could hear chattering on the other side. He assumed it was Hange. They were either teasing the other people in the room or talking about an experiment they did. He opened the door, not wasting any more time and walked in. The chatter stopped as they stared at Mike for a while. He saw that everyone was there except him.

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