Chapter 6

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That's what Levi would describe himself after the long day he had. As he walked back to his office, he could feel a big headache coming.

"Tch." Levi spat out as he rubbed the side of his head to ease the pain.

"Damn brat." Levi frowned as he clenched his teeth.

This whole day had been rough. (Y/n) didn't come in to have their usual morning talk, he just left the tea and hurried out saying he had important business to attend to.

Later, one of the members of his squad messed the papers up, so Levi reorganized them.

Then, Erwin asked Levi to train some of the cadets, which went horribly because they wouldn't listen to him. So he spent most of the training time yelling and whacking everyone's heads.

After that, Levi found out someone broke his cleaning supplies and nobody confessed who did it, so he made them run laps for two hours and clean the whole building after.

And to top it all off, he had a nightmare of the day his friends died. He wanted to speak to (Y/n) to calm himself a bit, but (Y/n) left so there was no time to talk. Now even the littlest things make him jumpy.

Damn it brat. Levi frowned more as he walked. Why didn't you stay for a while? You just had to be busy the day I need you the most. Levi sighed as he closed his eyes.

I'm starting to miss that idiot. Levi pinched his eyes together as he stopped for a while. He slowed his breathing and he took deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down.

As Levi was lost in his mind, a hand reached out and grabbed his shoulder. Levi's body shook as memories of titans grabbing him tormented his mind. Out of reflex, he grabbed a tough grip on the hand and flinged their body over his shoulder. Levi's breathing quickened as everything seemed to happen in slow motion. He let go of the hand and backed away as the body dropped to the floor.

"Argh!" (Y/n) spat out as he closed his eyes from the hard impact. He gasped as he sat up, coughed a bit trying to get air back into his lungs.

"(Y/n)!" Levi was shocked to see the (dark/light) haired male on the floor gasping for air. (Y/n) turned around in his sitting spot and waved towards Levi.

"...hey there, Beautiful." (Y/n) weakly said as he clenched the clothing over his chest.

"Crap!" Levi went to pick up (Y/n). He offered his hand to help (Y/n) stand up, but he rejected it.

"It's okay. I can stand up on my own." (Y/n) stood up as he dust himself off.

Levi put his hand down. He looked away as he frowned. He was mad at himself for throwing (Y/n).

(Y/n) rejected my help... Is he mad at me?

"Sorry." Levi mumbled quietly. (Y/n) stared at him a while confused until he understood what he meant.

"It's okay. Really." (Y/n) said as he waved his hands in front of him. "I shouldn't have sneaked up on you like that." (Y/n) put his hands down and watched as Levi's face filled with guilt.

I wonder what caused him to do that. Does he not like physical contact or is it something else?... Or is it me? (Y/n) searched for answers in his mind as to why Levi reacted the way he did.

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) watched as Levi turned towards him with a shocked expression.

"W-What?" Levi was surprised (Y/n) was asking him that. If anything Levi should be asking him that. He's the one who got hurt. Shouldn't (Y/n) be mad at him?

"Are you okay?" (Y/n) repeated with the same concern. "You look like you've had a bad day." Levi relaxed a bit. (Y/n) didn't look or sound mad at him, that's a good thing.

"Yeah." Levi admitted as he ruffled his hair. "My day's been horrible." He sighed.

"Then.." (Y/n)'s face brightens up as a nice smile forms. "Would you like to drink some tea with me and relax for a bit? That is if you want to."

Levi didn't know what was going on with him, but the moment (Y/n) smiled and invited him to drink tea with him, something warm overcame him. He felt that heat that he would feel whenever he thought about (Y/n).

"Yeah.." Levi smiled as he looked into (Y/n)'s shining eyes. "I'd like that." He softly mumbled as he watched (Y/n) smile even more.

I'm glad I met you (Y/n)...

I hope you feel the same about me...


Levi and (Y/n) had been talking for a while as they relaxed. (Y/n) was quite glad Levi was speaking with him so freely. It should show how much Levi had opened up to (Y/n).

"-And then I made those idiots clean the whole building." Levi frowned into the distance remembering about what had happened as he raised his teacup and drank from it.

"Pfft-" (Y/n) quickly covered his mouth trying to suppress his laughter, but unfortunately he couldn't.

"HAHAHAHA!" (Y/n) grasped his stomach as he died with laughter.

Levi watched (Y/n) as his face grew red at the sound of (Y/n)'s beautiful laugh. He smiled as he decided he would play around for a bit.

"Oi, brat." Levi said as a smile grew on his face from (Y/n)'s laughter. "Are you making fun of me?" Levi playfully acted as he was going to beat up (Y/n) for laughing at him.

"I'm-HA-sorry!-HAHA" (Y/n) said as he protected himself with his hands. Levi's smile quickly dropped when he saw (Y/n)'s hands.


"Yeah?" (Y/n) responded as his laughter ceased. He lowered his hands and looked at Levi. When he did, he was shocked to see Levi with a terrifying face.

"L-Levi?... What's wrong?" (Y/n) gulped trying to remember any mistake that would make Levi like this.

Then, Levi's hands extended towards (Y/n). All (Y/n) could do was close his eyes and wait for what he will do next.

To (Y/n)'s surprise, Levi gently grabbed (Y/n)'s hands causing him to open his eyes. He watched Levi bring his hand close to his face and examined them.

"(Y/n)?" Levi said, his eyes met his. "What happened to your hands?"

This shocked (Y/n). He thought that it was something worse, so he was relieved. But how was he going to explain to Levi that the reason his hands were burnt was because of his stupidity.

(Y/n) had got these when he was baking a new recipe for cookies. He had forgotten to put gloves on and he grabbed the plate causing him to get burnt.

The worst part was that he dropped a whole batch of new cookies...

Cookies that he will never be able to taste...

Thanks to his stupidity...

"Well.." (Y/n) nervously scratched his neck and looked away from Levi as he continued. "I kinda burnt myself while cooking..."

"Stupid brat." Levi said as he ruffled (Y/n)'s hair. "Be more careful next time." Levi sat down on his chair relieved it was nothing major.

"I will." (Y/n) smiled. The smile that Levi liked to see.

"Good." Levi reached over as he pinched (Y/n)'s cheek and pulled. "You better."

"Haha! Ow!' (Y/n) laughed, happy to be with Levi.

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