Chapter 15

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Levi blinked slowly as he felt the rain wash over him. His blood poured down onto the ground mixing with the rain creating a puddle of mud and blood.

He was starting to lose his senses. Tears went unnoticed as rain covered them.

Levi chuckled a bit as he smiled.

"I..." Levi swallowed and continued. "I guess... I'll be seeing everyone soon..."

Levi finally gave into the eternal sleep that was coming. But before closing his eyes, he raised his hand to the sky.

"Is this how it felt-..."

His hand then dropped as he closed his eyes.



Everything was dark. Levi floated in a void of emptiness. He raised his hands in front of him, or at least he thinks he did, it was too dark to tell.

It's cold. Levi's eyes wandered off looking for any sign of life. I'm going to spend eternity here? Was I not good enough to find some peace at the end?

He then heard a voice, it was muffled. He turned to see a small light that grew.

"Levi!" The Light got bigger and bigger.


Two different hands came out of the light. They grabbed him and pulled him in. Everything went white. Levi closed his eyes, hiding from the blinding lights.

"Levi." Two different, but familiar voices came out.

Levi slowly opened his eyes, getting used to the shine. The view in front of him shocked him, bringing tears.

"Hange... Erwin..." Levi's voice shaked.

They suddenly hugged him tightly.

"Took you long enough, shorty."

"It's good seeing you again, Levi."

As they held each other, other familiar voices came.

"LEVI!" In the distance Farlan and Isabel came running. Behind them came his squad.

"Captain!" Petra waved as she ran towards them.

They all got to Levi and joined the hug. They all spoke at the same time about how much they missed him and it brought a smile on Levi's face. When they all finally let go, two other people stood next to the group.

"Brat." Kenny nodded as he looked away.

"Levi... My baby." Kuchel walked closer and cupped his cheeks. "You've grown up so much."

Levi grabbed her hands as he snuggled his face closer, closing his eyes. He stayed there for a while, then he remembered someone.

"(Y/n)!" Levi opened his eyes and looked around. "Where's (Y/n)?"

Kuchel dropped her hold and smiled.

"The sweet boy, (Y/n)?" Levi was shocked his mother knew him. They hadn't known each other.

"How do you kn-"

"He's been waiting for you." Kuchel looked into the direction where (Y/n) was.

Erwin then grabbed Levi's shoulder, causing him to turn around.

"He's sitting near the ocean. Go see him."

Levi nodded as he ran to the direction where Erwin pointed. Mike watched Levi run. He wanted to talk to him and catch up, but he knew he was going to (Y/n). So, he let him be.

(Levi x Male Reader) Are You Happy Now?Where stories live. Discover now