Chapter 7

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Levi stared intently at the door with his hands clasped together in front of his mouth. The longer he stared, the sharper his glare became. He hadn't taken his eyes off the door.

Petra was starting to get nervous. The whole time she was here, sitting next to his desk, he hadn't done any work or spoken. He would just stare at the door and blink once in a while.

"Ummm?..." Petra tried getting her captain's attention. "Sir?" Petra wanted to know what was wrong, he usually didn't act like this.

Levi turned his glare towards Petra causing her to shake with fear.

"What?" Levi's voice was dangerously low, he sounded like he was at the edge of doing something crazy.

"Um..." Petra took a deep breath trying to calm herself. "You've been staring at the door for a while now. Is everything alright?"

When she said this, he finally realized what he was doing. He stopped glaring and calmed himself. He sighed as he rubbed the back of his neck.

It's not that he wanted to act up, it just happened without him noticing. (Y/n) hadn't come visit him this morning and the previous mornings they would have short talks or no talks.

What the hell is happening with that brat?

"It's fine." Levi answered with a huff as he put his hand down. "...Today... (Y/n didn't come..."

Petra didn't know how to feel. Should she be happy or worried that it was just that?

"Oh. Maybe he'll come tomorrow." Petra said. She tried to make her captain not worry so much, but that failed.

"He also has been coming in only for a few minutes..." Then something creeped into Levi's mind. He frowned at the thought of it. "...Do you think... (Y/n) got bored of me?"

"Uh?" Now Petra knew the captain was overreacting.

(Y/n) had just missed one day, so where did he get that idea?

"Don't think like that captain." Petra said as she smiled at him. "(Y/n) was proudly busy, but I'm sure he's not bored of you."

She wanted to make Levi stop thinking like that, she knew (Y/n) won't get bored of him. Especially when he talks about Levi all the time with a big smile.

Levi sighed as he gave in to the idea that he was busy.

Maybe.. He doesn't have enough time to be with me...

"I'm sure he'll come by soon." Petra added trying to lighten up the mood.

"Yeah..." Levi mumbled, "...Maybe..."


Levi sighed as he dragged his hands down his face. He hadn't done anything all day, he still stared at the door.

It was almost the end of the day. Most of the cadets have finished everything and are now fixing themselves to go to bed. And here he was waiting for someone who hadn't shown up.

I should get to work. Levi thought as he picked up his pen and frowned. (Y/n)'s not coming today.

Just as he was about to start working, someone knocked and opened the door.

"Ah! Beautiful. You're still here." (Y/n) walked in and closed the door. "I'm sorry I didn't come this morning." (Y/n) laughed nervously as set the tea down in front of Levi.

Levi was shocked that (Y/n) was here. It was late in the day, most people were going to sleep already and here he was, giving Levi some of his delicious tea.

"I've been so busy lately, that's why I haven't seen you much this week. Sorry." (Y/n) nervously scratched the back of his neck.

He hoped Levi wasn't mad at him. He didn't want to cause him any more trouble than what he's facing.

"Shouldn't you be asleep by now?" Levi said.

Levi's eyes traveled over all of (Y/n)'s body. It was the first time he had seen him without the uniform. He was in his simple everyday clothing and Levi had to admit that he looked nice.

"Yes, but-" (Y/n) was interrupted by Levi's voice.

"You need a full night rest." Levi crossed his arm. He didn't want (Y/n) to lose the sleep that he needs.

"I know that, but..." (Y/n) smiled and continued, "spending time with you is more important than sleep. So sleep can wait."

Levi was internally panicking. His heart was beating so fast and his head felt extremely hot. (Y/n) was doing things to him and he liked it. He couldn't get enough.

"I wanted to tell you that I'll have to visit around this time from now on since I'm too busy in the mornings." (Y/n) sat on a chair in front of Levi and served him tea.

He handed Levi the teacup. Levi blushed as he caressed (Y/n) soft fingers. He received the tea and drank it, trying to hide his face.

When he put the cup down, he saw (Y/n) staring at him. He's eyes were softly staring at Levi, a beautiful smile graced his face adorned with a cute little blush.

"W-What is it?" The heat came back but not as intensely. Levi felt so stupid for acting like this.

Why the hell did I stutter? And why the hell does this brat keep making my face so hot?

"I'm glad I met you." (Y/n) was seriously killing Levi with all of his actions.

"I'm happy you feel that way..." Levi smiled but then frowned at his thoughts when he remembered what he had been thinking earlier.

"...I honestly thought you were bored of me." Levi mumbled not wanting (Y/n) to hear him.

"What!?" Of course not!" (Y/n) had heard Levi and was a bit mad about it. He frowned a bit as he continued "You are so amazing. You're a talented fighter. You are so unique. You're amazingly attractive. I love being around you. I can't get enough of you. You're one of the best things that has happened to me."

Levi was amazed at how he could say that with so much confidence. Levi covered his mouth as he blushed.

He wanted to say something to (Y/n) too. He wanted to tell him how beautiful he was. How his heart skipped a beat every time (Y/n) talked to him. And how he wanted to hold (Y/n) close and never let him go.

He wanted to tell him this and more, but his throat shut down by the sweet words (Y/n) had just told him.

"...So..." (Y/n) looked at Levi gently again. "I could never get bored of you... You're special to me."

"Crap." Levi quietly chuckled and looked away from him. "You really know how to make me act up."

"I'm sorry." (Y/n) was confused. "What was that?"

Levi uncovered his mouth as he slowly turned to meet (Y/n)'s eyes. His blush was still present.

"I also like being around you." These gentle words pierced (Y/n)'s heart with warmth.

Levi and him continued to talk. That night they spend hours just being with each other. They both wished that this night never ended.

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