Chapter 3

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Another week had passed and (Y/n) was still sending Levi the same thing, a note and some tea. Not that Levi was complaining or anything, in fact he actually liked it. He was just surprised that (Y/n) was still doing it, but he was happy he did.

He tried not to show it too much, but this thing that (Y/n) was doing for him became the best part of his days and would always look forward to the next time. But, of course, Petra could tell Levi was enjoying this treatment because every time he took a sip of his tea a small smile was placed on his face.

Petra was grateful that (Y/n) was doing this. Levi had become a bit more calmer but not too much to suddenly notice that his behavior has changed.

As morning came, Levi sat on his chair waiting for Petra to bring in his tea and note. A knock was heard, then the door opened showing not Petra, but (Y/n).

"Good Morning, Sir!"(Y/n) flashed a smile as he walked towards Levi's desk. He then placed the plate on the desk and served him tea.

"Y-You're here?" Levi said shocked that he was seeing (Y/n) instead of Petra.

"Would you like me to not be here?" (Y/n) tilted his head giving Levi a confused look as he waited for his response.

"No, it's not that. It's just..." Levi sighed as grabbed the tea (Y/n) had served him. "You usually don't come to give this to me. I'm just surprised to see you." Levi then took a sip of his tea.

"Yeah." (Y/n) said rubbing the back of his neck. "I wanted to give you some space and not just dump myself in your everyday life."

"Is that so?" Levi said, lowering the tea cup from his mouth.

"Yeah. Also, I came here to ask you a question." (Y/n) said avoiding eye contact knowing that his question is going to sound a bit strange.

"If this is about my past, then don't bother." Levi glared at (Y/n) trying to intimidate him into not asking that kind of question.

"No, it's not that kind of question. Actually I was wondering if..." (Y/n) paused a bit as Levi waited, taking another sip of his tea. "I can call you Beautiful."


Levi's mind was going a hundred mile per hour as he tried not to die from choking on his tea.


"AAAAAA! I'M SORRY!" (Y/n) panicked as he did whatever he could to help him, which wasn't much.

"-w-what did you say, brat?" Levi said weakly as he held his throat trying to clear it.

"I-I said if I could call you Beautiful." (Y/n) said calmer as he looked into Levi's shocked eyes, but that quickly turned into a frown.

"Why?" Levi said crossing his arms as he gave off an intimidating aura. "You do realize that the beauty standards of this place wouldn't consider someone like me 'Beautiful'. So if this is your way of making fun of me-"

"What!? No!" (Y/n) said, waving his hand not letting Levi continue the rest. "I don't care what the beauty standards are. I think everyone has their own way of being beautiful, whether it's on the inside or outside. Every type of beauty matters. That's why I wanted to call you Beautiful. And, I also think you look very attractive."

"You're a weird- Um?" Levi stared at (Y/n) trying to get rid of the weirdly warm and nice feeling that had overcome him when (Y/n) told him he looked beautiful.

"Uh- (Y/n) and yeah, I guess I am." (Y/n) said rubbing his neck with a smile placed on his face. "So will it be alright to call you that."

"I could care less what you call me, brat." Levi said as a small smile formed on his face as he enjoyed (Y/n)'s company.

"Okay." (Y/n) then grinned with closed eyes. "So how was your day, Beautiful?"

Levi flinched a bit, still not used to being called that.

"Pretty good so far." Levi then picked up his teacup and drank from it.

"I'm glad." (Y/n) softly smiled as he watched Levi enjoy his cup of tea.

(Levi x Male Reader) Are You Happy Now?Where stories live. Discover now