Chapter 10

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Everything was muffled. Nothing seemed to take Levi out of his mind. He was focusing on something and in his mind he was having an internal conflict.

"Beautiful?" (Y/n)'s voice rang through his ears and brought him out of his mind.

He looked up at (Y/n), he was lost in his own world and had no knowledge of what was going on.

"What is it brat?" Levi watched as (Y/n) fiddled with his fingers, avoiding eye contact, and flushing red.

"Y-You've been..." (Y/n) gulped as he continued. "Staring at my lips for a while now..." He scratched the back of his neck nervously.

Levi hadn't noticed how long he had been staring at (Y/n)'s lips. Yes, he did it self consciously, but he didn't think (Y/n) would catch him staring.

For a few days now, Levi's had the urge of kissing (Y/n)'s lips and this was causing a huge conflict inside him.

He had never before wanted to kiss anyone anywhere. And yet here he was daydreaming of kissing (Y/n)'s lips. HIS LIPS! Not his cheek, but his lips.

Not only that, sometime when (Y/n) helps him sleep, Levi wants to cuddle with him. There also are random moments in the day where Levi just wants to go to (Y/n) and hug him all day long.

So now, he was panicking on the inside not knowing what was going on with him.

What is this? Why do I feel like this?

"Is everything alright?" (Y/n) asked as he watched Levi spaced out for a moment.

"Everything is fine." Levi flushed as the thoughts of holding and kissing (Y/n) came back. "W-We should be heading to sleep now."

"Okay." (Y/n) got up and started heading out. "I'm going to shower and change real quick. Be right back." (Y/n) quickly left, leaving Levi alone with his thoughts.

I should ask someone about these feelings. Levi leaned back on his chair and sighed. But who?... Mike won't say much. Erwin won't know since he's dedicated to his job and has no time for anything else. The only one left is... Oh no.

As Levi sat forwards, he ruffled his hair and groaned.

Crap. Why Hange? I don't want to ask them. They'll tell the whole world afterwards. But... Levi frowned as he finally gave in. I don't have anyone else to ask.

Levi sighed again as he got up and headed to shower.

I'll just have to cover it up. Hopefully they don't find out. I'll ask them tomorrow.


"Sooooo." Hange flipped the chair around and sat in it facing Levi. "What did you want to talk about?~"

Levi groaned, starting to regret his decision when he saw the smirk placed on Hange's face.

"I wanted to ask you something..." Levi watched as a smug look was formed. "... for Petra." Levi quickly covered up.

"Oh.~ And what does 'Petra' want?~" Hange sang.

They doubted Levi was asking for Petra. Whenever Petra had a question for Hange, she would personally ask them. So, they knew Levi was using Petra as a cover up for his question.

"She was wondering about something." Levi stated as he crossed his arms and leaned back on his chair. "Lately, she's been having these strange feelings around someone-"

"Who is that someone?" Hange interrupted, they wanted to know who Levi was talking about.

"She wants to keep that private." Levi quickly responded.

"Okayyyy.~" Hange squinted at Levi.

"Well..." Levi continued as he closed his eyes. "Whenever she's around him, she wants to cuddle and hold him." Levi flushed at the very thought, making Hange more suspicious.

"And sometimes..." Levi gulped, opening his eyes just to avoid staring at Hange with a red face. "She wishes she could kiss his lips." Levi unconsciously smiled. "She wants to make him hers and be the only one he thinks about."

"Sounds like she likes them." Hange smiled at Levi. He turned to Hange, wide eyed.


"Yep." Hange closed their eyes. "Maybe even loves them." Hange opened their eyes to watch Levi go fully red.

"Usually people feel these things when they like or love someone." Hange explained as Levi looked at his lap with a heated face.

I like... (Y/n). Levi's face became redder as he covered his smile with the back of his hand.

"Sooo?~" Hange sang interrupting Levi's thoughts. "Who do you like, Levi?~ Is it (Y/n)?~"

Hange covered their smirk with their hand as they laughed at Levi's flustered state. Levi quickly lifted his head up with a shocked expression.

"What?... I was talking about Petra." Levi quickly defended himself.

"So, you like (Y/n)." Hanges smirk became bigger. "You didn't deny it."

"G-Get out." Levi shakenly said as he frowned trying to hide his embarrassment.

"Okayyyy!~" Hange said as they headed out. "See you later Levi!~"

And with that Hange closed the door and walked back to their office.

Levi... Hange smiled as they placed their hands behind their head. It's so obvious that you like (Y/n), but for your sake, I'll keep my mouth shut... for now...


"(Y/n)?" Levi softly spoke standing next to him as he tried waking him up.

It was already night time, but unlike the other nights, (Y/n) had fallen asleep. And now Levi was deciding whether to leave him for a while or wake him up.

Levi watched (Y/n) slowly breathe as his chest raised and fell in a steady pattern. Then, his eye fell on (Y/n)'s lips. He flushed as the thought of kissing him came crashing in his mind.

Crap. Levi flushed as he looked away, but turned back again.

Unconsciously, Levi slowly moved forward, wanting to place his lips over (Y/n)'s.

Time slowed down, Levi's heartbeat quickened as his eyes were glued onto (Y/n)'s lips.

He wanted to kiss him. He wanted to cuddle him. He wanted (Y/n) to hug him all day long and hum sweet melodies for him. He wanted (Y/n).

Levi stopped a few inches away from (Y/n)'s lips. He frowned. He couldn't bring himself to kiss him. Not when he's unconscious.

He wanted their kiss to be with both of them wanting and knowing that they were kissing each other.

Levi sighed as he leaned on (Y/n)'s forehead and stayed there for a while.

(Y/n)... What are you doing to me?...

Levi then gently held (Y/n)'s head as he placed a soft kiss on his forehead.

I want you, (Y/n). I want your everything...

And I want you to want me too...

Author's Note:
I might not be uploading chapters anytime soon since I have to finish some school work. Sorry.

Also, about the song I put on the top. I feel like it kinda explains what Levi feels about (Y/n). I could see him telling him that. Check it out, if you want.

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