Chapter 4

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After the incident, you became more and more popular. The whole University now know who you are, "The 1st ever Lee Jeno hater". No one ever talk or even greet you casually. Your sassy image spread fast like the wind. With that, you didn't cover yourself anymore. 100% being original Lee Nara.

'Can you please stop screaming? I'm trying to read here'- You roll your eyes at the girls beside your table at the café. You have been holding it in for the past 30 mins. 'You should just leave. We are watching horror movie what do you expect? Study in here is ridiculous. Go away'- One the girl shoot you back. You shook your head and pack your stuff. 'Right, I should be studying at the library with the most decent human than here with the evils like you guys'- You smirk and make your way.

'Pssss. Serve you right'- Yangyang laugh at your scene. 'I think she will fire everyone who messed with her tho' – Mark frowns. 'I'm sure she kinda allergic with rude people. Right Jeno?'- Sungchan smirks at Jeno. Jeno spares him 'you wanna die' look. 'Oh oh she's here'- Winwin warns his gang. 'Eh where are you going?'- Jeno stops you by holding your wrist. You snatch your hand quick. 'Heaven'- You roll your eyes at the busybody Jeno. 'Puahahahahaha not you too bro'- Haechan bursts out loud with Ten at Jeno. You text your ladies 'Guys, I will be at the library for the whole evening'. The ladies as usual with their cheerleading practise.

'Yuna yah, she did it again'- the girl call her queen.



After spending 2 hours peacefully at the library, Naeun texts you asking you to join them at the ice hockey rink. 'Will be there in 10min'- you text back. 'Eh why so long?'- Jiyeon replies. 'I gotta fetch the bus ofc have to wait first right'- you replies. 'Wait no, Sungchan told me Lee Jeno is there. He went back to get his jersey. You can just hope in his car'- Naeun tells you. 'Ergh no. I can make my own way'- You pack your stuffs.

'Sungchan, ask Lee Jeno to wait for her at the entrance. Right in front of the entrance.'- Naeun nudges Sungchan beside her. Sungchan quickly texts Jeno. 'NO WAY'- is the only reply Jeno sent back. Sungchan scoffs and calls Jeno right away. 'What?'- Jeno sounds annoyed. 'No just would like to ask, how's the sky right now?'- Sungchan asks. 'Seems like it's going to be rain soon'- Jeno replies. 'Ok great, then ask Nara to come with you then'- Sungchan smirk. 'Do I look like I care if she soaks in the rain to you? Bye'- Jeno rolls his eyes and get in to his car. Right at the moment, you walk out the entrance door. 'Haih, why you gotta rain today?'- You look up at the sky. You get your raincoat in your bag and walk to the bus stop. *Ponnnn* Jeno honks you. 'What is your problem?'- You ask to the not yet open tinted window. As Jeno opens it, you sigh. 'Get in'- Jeno offers. 'No thanks'- You fake a nice smile. 'It's gonna rain soon'- Jeno continues. 'I got raincoat here can't you see?'- You flash your raincoat at him. 'Geurae geureom (Ok then)'- Jeno closes his car window and drives away.

So unfortunate, not yet get yourself protected in the raincoat, a fast as hell car drives next to you and splashes a small water pond at you. Your white hoodie got stained with the dirty water. 'Shit!'- You curse. Saw the incident by his side mirror. Jeno stops his car. 'Hahahahahahahaa served you right'- Jeno laughs. Still eyeing you busy wiping your pants through the mirror. Jeno sighs and gets off his car. 'Just get in the car come on. Look what happened'- Jeno softly tells you. 'Can you just go?'- You shook your head. 'Btw, your hoodie is not that thick'- Jeno smirks. Upon hearing that, you quickly cover your chest. 'You pervert!'- You shoot Jeno your strong death glare. 'You think I wanna look at it? In your dream. Whatever, come on'- Jeno picks you up on his shoulder and walks to his car again. 'Let me down! Jeno! Let me down Lee Jeno!'- You scream. Heard his full name, Jeno puts you down. 'Oh so you know who am I now?'- Jeno smirks. 'Idiot'- You mumble to yourself. Jeno opens his car back door and passes you his spare shirt -'Wear it'. 'Come on, don't talk back just wear it. I'm not that jerk to let a woman reveals her body freely like that'- Jeno stares softly at you. Taken aback by his right action, you snatch the shirt from Jeno. 'Don't you ever try to look'- You warn Jeno. 'Cham (tsk)'- Jeno scoffs.

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