Chapter 9

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'After class we gather at my house for the project discussion. I don't want to do here, people are so nosy'- Jeno rubs his face as some students gather around his table asking question about his idea. 'Maybe not just today? The whole week please? I mean your room is clean 24/7 even without maids' hardworks.'- Sungchan begs Jeno. Jeno looks at you who are still avoiding him. 'Ahhhhhh jebal (please)'- Sungchan shakes his shoulder. 'Nara? Hmm? Hmm?'- Sungchan nods now begging you. 'Hish. Fine'- You nod.

As agreed, you, Naeun and Sungchan has been spending after classes time for 4 days at Jeno's house. You yet still didn't get back to normal days with Jeno. You have been waiting for him to apologize right in front of your face but he didn't. Actually, Jeno is hesitated and scared.

'Nara, you have plans these coming 3 days ahead?'- Naeun asks. You shook your head. 'Great then let's just sleepover at the Lee Jeno's to finish over the paper project and the stuffs for sale'- Naeun suggests. 'Eh, I em'- You looking around. 'Nah, it's ok, I'm here come let me drive you home and get your stuffs'- Sungchan pulls you to his car.

'So now I know where your house is, so I can fetch you every day'- Sungchan smiles at you. 'Hahahaha no thanks. Bus or taxi or even my legs are still working'- You smile at Sungchan. 'Before that, you ok we stay at Jeno's house? I know you guys still not talking to each other'- Sungchan turns to you. 'Hmmm what choice do I have here?'- You raise your eyebrows at Sungchan. 'Gwenchana. Na isseulnikka (it's ok. Coz I'm here)'- Sungchan smirks at you. 'Tsk, arasseo (I got it) big bro'- You grin at Sungchan. 'Never in life I thought I could have a lil sis as my age to take care of'- Sungchan shook his head and drives to Jeno's house.

'Ohhh agassi (young lady)'- The head maid recognizes you right away. 'Eh ahjumma, just call me Nara. I'm no match to be called by that title'- You smile. 'Call me Nara ok. Just Nara'- You bow at her before walk in with Sungchan. Sungchan winks at the maid. 'Haish this handsome boy'- The maid smiles. 'Lol you such a flirty'- You poke Sungchan's abs. 'Hey hey not there'- Sungchan grabs your hand. 'HAHAHAHA. Wait wait ah ah it's pain'- You flinch a little as Sungchan pinches your hand jokingly. Right at the moment, Jeno walks down the stairs from his room. He is a little hurts inside. 'Ehem'- Jeno greets you two. 'Let's eat dinner first'- Jeno walks fast to the kitchen.

'Do we still get a lot on the paper project?'- You ask Naeun. 'Not much, about to reach the end. So can we kinda having free time tonight? You know Lee Jeno's house is like a castle.'- Naeun spoons her rice. 'Nara, you are the only normal person here, so any ideas where we can have some fun outside?'- Sungchan puts his spoon down and ruffles your hair. Jeno who sits across Sungchan almost makes Sungchan's face sink inside with his death stares. He has been jealous over Sungchan for 4 days straight. 'Hmmmmm ok let's do normal people's activity for the weekend!'- You nod at Sungchan. 'Ok, Lee Jeno drive your yellow rover baby this time'- Naeun nudges Jeno beside her. Jeno just nods.

'Nara yah, what time is your activity valid to enjoy?-Sungchan throws his phone on the Jeno's bed already so bored. 'Hmmm 10PM plus?'- You shrug your shoulder. 'Gosh then Jeno yah, let's swim into your game room 1st please'- Sungchan pulls Jeno out.

'Oiiiiii this will be fun come on!'- Sungchan gets the twister mat. 'We are not child to play this again Sungchan'- Jeno rolls his eyes. 'Nope, I want it that's it'- Sungchan walks out the game room.

'Ladiesssssssss. Look. Let's enjoy'- Sungchan shakes the mat. 'Seriously?- Naeun stares at Sungchan. 'Naeun'- Sungchan plays his eyes at Naeun. 'Ahhhh ok. VERY INTERESTING'- Naeun nods understood Sungchan's intention. 'Good. Nara you start'- Sungchan pulls you to the ready mat. 'Ok, right leg on green circle'- Sungchan tells Nara. 'Left leg on red circle'- You tell Naeun. 'Lee Jeno, right leg on green circle'- Naeun smiles evilly. 'Right hand on yellow circle'- Jeno tells Sungchan. 'Yay'- You high-5 Sungchan who's now beside you.

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