Chapter 11

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'Nara, I'm outside. Faster come out'- Sungchan texts you. 'Whatttttttttt'- You quickly put on your hoodie. 'Gahhh Jung Sungchan I said no to you every day!'- You run to Sungchan's car outside your house. 'What are you doing here?'- You turn to Sungchan from the passenger seat. 'To pick you up? Today is the very 1st day for it'- Sungchan smiles. 'Just today'- You buckle your seatbelt.

'Did she say no to me but just that easy for Sungchan to do so?'- Jeno rolls his eyes. He parked his car far from your house after he saw Sungchan arrived 1st. He has been wishing you reject Sungchan too. But nope, he still got no idea you and Sungchan are close like brother and sister. Jealousy has been living rent free in his heart. Jeno then just quickly drives to the SM Uni.

Saw you came in with Sungchan, the SM Dino boys and cheer girls eyeing each other. 'Eh you came with Sungchan?'- Naeun asks you. 'Right, you never want anybody to burden but Sungchan? Eyyyyyyy so something'- Jiyeon smacks Jia who's beside her. 'Jung Sungchan. Don't tell me you......'- Yangyang smirks at Sungchan. 'Eh no no'- Sungchan says no and just sit at his seat. 'Yo Lee Jeno'- Sungchan greets Jeno his seat partner. 'Em'- Jeno nods a little. Sungchan just smirks knowing the "jealous Jeno" character mode has turned on.

Jeno shoot you his annoyed eyes. 'Mwo? (What?)'- You ask. Jeno rolls his eyes and lands it on his phone. Purposely wanna shows you he is mad at you. 'What....'- You shrug your shoulder and back to talking with your girls. 'Ok guys, settle down'- Mr. Nam starts the account class.

'Naeun, I'm kinda dizzy. I'm going to the toilet for a while'- You pinch the bridge of your nose. Even you're indeed genius, you hate calculating subjects. 'Oi, what's the matter?'- Sungchan kicks Naeun's chair in front of him. 'What? I don't know? She said she's dizzy'- Naeun shrugs her shoulder at Sungchan. 'Ah did I rush her until she didn't get the time to have breakfast just now?'- Sungchan mumbles to himself. Jeno heard it. 'Mr. Nam'- Jeno raises his hand. 'Yes Lee Jeno?'- Mr. Nam pauses his lesson. 'I gotta go to the office'- Jeno lied. 'Ok come in back here fast'- Mr. Nam nods. 'Eh eh bro, what's the matter. You never....'- Winwin stops Jeno. Jeno just shrugs his shoulder.

Jeno quickly runs to the cafeteria. Put in his money and buys your favourite bread and favourite canned cold choco latte from the vending machine. 'Nara, Lee Nara'- Jeno calls you from outside of the toilet. 'Jeno?'- You ask yourself. You walk out the toilet quick. 'What are you doing here?'- You look at Jeno. 'Here'- Jeno passes you the bread and drink. 'What is this?'- You ask didn't take the stuffs yet. Jeno takes your hand and puts the stuffs on your hand. 'Eat. I know you didn't have breakfast yet'- Jeno holds your hand tight and pulls you to the cafeteria table.

'Eat. I will stay here until you finish'- Jeno stares at you. 'Eh no. Go and join the class back. I'm good. I'm not a child'- You push Jeno's hand a little. 'Nope'- Jeno opens the bread packet for you. You just look at Jeno. 'Come on. Ahhhhhh'- Jeno moves the bread near your mouth. 'Hish. Fine fine'- You take the bread away from him.

'Awhh look at them. They are so cute together. Why I never ship them before tho. Thank God Lee Jeno cleared everything. You saw he saved her from the ices on the festival day? Awhhh I never thought Lee Jeno could be that sweet'- A girl fangirling not far from you and Jeno. Jeno just smiles, he heard that. 'Why. Do I look much ugly when I'm eating?'- You ask the smiling Jeno. 'Ani. Kwiyeowo (no, cute)'- Jeno pinches your full cheek. 'Tsk'- You push Jeno's hand away and jokingly roll your eyes at him. Your cheeks blush as you remembered his confession that day.

'So you came with Sungchan?'- Jeno asks, lowering his head. 'Yup. I bet he will come again tomorrow. Tsk Jung Sungchan'- You shook your head. 'You said no to me tho? But Sungchan?'- Jeno stares at you. 'Hahahahahahahaha. I said no to him 10 Millions time but look he still came'- You laugh. 'I didn't know you're that close with Sungchan'- Jeno tricks you. 'Well kinda. I'm super comfortable around him'- You nod. Jeno hides his hurt face. 'Faster finish it'- Jeno warns you suddenly. You munch your bread fast.

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