Chapter 17

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The rest of the night goes perfectly and to be honest I can't really even say that what happened outside between Hunter and I wasn't perfect either because it was. When he told me he was scared I completely understood because being with him scared the hell out of me. I was happy when he agreed that we could be scared together, maybe next time now he won't push me away.

We go back inside together hand-in-hand and enjoy the rest of our night together. I don't think Hunter ever let go of my hand except for when I had to go to the bathroom. It was nice. For the first time in a long time I felt safe.

It's around 2:30 in the morning when we leave the bar and walk home. It's just Hunter, me, Sam and Daniel walking back together because Nate ended up going home with the girl he met tonight. Daniel is carrying Sam on his back because she's pretty wasted but he doesn't seem to mind. I can tell he really likes her and that makes me smile. Sam deserves a guy who is going to treat her right. She hasn't always been treated the right way in the past.

Hunter and I are trailing behind them holding hands and a part of me feels like this is a dream. Tonight has just been so perfect I'm not sure it can be real but I'll take it. I'll live in the perfect fake world for as long as I can.

Eventually we make it to our apartment and Daniel puts a now passed out Sam in her room and Hunter and I wait in the living room area together neither of us ready to say goodnight yet. I wonder if Daniel is going to stay the night in Sam's room and my heart begins to race because I then worry that Hunter will want to stay the night too and I'm definitely not ready for that yet. I feel myself relax when Daniel comes out of Sam's room a few moments later.

"She is knocked out" Daniel says with a laugh but I don't miss the adoring tone in his voice. "Well tonight was a lot of fun Grey" he says to me and I'm surprised when he leans in for a hug and wraps his arms around me. It's a friendly gesture and I decide not to shy away from it and I embrace him back.

"It was" I say as I lean back and I smile at him.

"Well I'm out" he says to both of us and he shakes hands with Hunter and I can tell he is trying to be nice and give us a moment alone to say goodbye.

"Alright, I'll catch up in a minute" Hunter say to him. Daniel leaves and closes the door behind him and Hunter and I are alone. "Thank you for an amazing night" he says his voice tender and genuine.

"You're welcome" I say smiling sweetly at him. "I had a lot of fun" I tell him honestly.

"Good" he says satisfied. "Well I should get going soon, but I'll see you tomorrow right?" he asks and his tone suggests that he can't wait to see me again and my heart soars.

"Of course" I say back. He leans forward then and kisses me on the cheek and a part of me wants more but the other part of me knows that I need to take this slow. When he pulls his lips away from my skin I feel cold but I savor the tingly sensation his lips left on my skin.

"Goodnight Grey" he whispers in my ear and I feel my body shiver.

"Goodnight Hunter" I whisper back.

He begins to walk away from me but as he reaches the door he stops and turns around and says "By the way, you look really beautiful tonight". And before I can say another word he is out the door and I'm left not feeling broken or damaged for once but happy

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