Chapter 40

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I got on the first bus out the next day. I was disappointed yesterday when I saw that there wasn't a bus going to Cambridge until later that day and by the time I got there I felt like it would be too late. It may have only been a little over an hour drive but on a bus it would take like three hours. I spent the rest of yesterday anxiously awaiting today. All I could think about was getting to her. I thought about calling Daniel to let him know but I didn't want him to give her a heads up. I wanted to surprise her. I just hope she didn't slam the door in my face when I got there. I hope I'm not too late.

I try to sleep on the bus but it doesn't work. It's around noon time when I arrive in Cambridge. It's a Tuesday so I don't know if she has class right now but it doesn't matter I'll wait all day. I'll wait forever. I make my way to her apartment building and I stand outside for a while once I reach it debating whether or not I should go up yet. Stop being a pussy.

I run up the steps, my desperation to see her winning out over my fear of what she'll do. I knock on the door and a few moments later I hear someone coming towards the door and my heart is racing. I'm mentally preparing for my first time seeing her in weeks but then the door opens and my heart deflates when I see Sam instead of Grey. Her expression deflates as well when she sees me and then it is replaced by anger.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she sneers at me.

"I'm here to see Grey" I tell her getting straight to the point and ignoring her hatred for me. I'll deal with it later.

"Well she's not here and even if she was I'm sure she wouldn't want to see you."

For a second I don't believe that she's not really there but then I read Sam one more time and I decide she's telling the truth.

"You're probably right" I say to her as I rub the back of my neck. "But I need to see her" I add desperately.

She studies me for a moment as she decides something. "Why?" she asks slowly.

"To tell her I was an idiot. To tell her I can't live without her and if she's willing to give me a second chance I'll spend the rest of my life making this up to her."

She studies me again. Trying to decide if I'm being genuine or not I'll bet and just when I think she is about to slam the door in my face she says "Well it's about damn time."

I stare at her stunned for a minute and then she smiles at me and my face breaks out into a smile as well.

"Can you tell me where she is?" I ask.

"She's out for a run. She has a break this time a day from class and she hasn't been getting up at the crack of dawn to run anymore. She's actually been sleeping well for the first time in a while" Sam tells me and I feel good to know that she hasn't been having nightmares. "You are more than welcome to wait here for her" she says as she opens the door wider so I can come in.

"Thanks" I tell her. "But no thanks. I know the route that she usually runs. What time did she leave?" I ask hoping I can pin point where she'll be.

"She left about 20 minutes ago" Sam says as she looks at the clock on her phone. I turn and run down the stairs and as I do I hear Sam yell "Good luck!" I smile to myself and I keep running.

I'm running down the street keeping an eye out for her. The streets unfortunately are pretty crowded around this time of day. She should be coming onto this street soon though unless she changed her route. I really hoped she didn't.

I'm about to give up hope and head back to her apartment and wait for her there when I see her. She's so small that anyone else would probably miss her but not me. She looks adorable with her hair pulled up into a ponytail and she has on tight black spandex running pants and an exercise jacket. She maneuvers her way through the crowded street with ease and I smile as I watch her. Man did I love that girl. I begin crossing the street to get to her when I notice a group of guys she is about to pass break out into a fight. She doesn't notice though. Not fast enough at least. It happens so damn fast. One guy punches another and then the other guy gets shoved and he knocks into Grey. Hard. Her tiny body goes flying into the street and she lands on her back. I'm running towards her now and that's when I see the car. A car is coming towards her and its going much too fast to be able to stop in time. It's going to hit her. No it's not. I pick up my speed my feet moving faster than ever. I feel the adrenaline pumping though my veins. I have to get to her. I have to save her.

When I reach her I pick her up off the asphalt and I toss her onto the sidewalk. She's safe. That's my last thought before the cars hits me and everything goes black.

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