Chapter 19

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He's gonna miss me. Those words run through my head for the next several minutes after Hunter leaves. I'm not sure he intended for me to hear him but I did and my heart melted. He has become incredibly important to me in such a short time and it scares me. What if I lose him? Could I handle that?

Before I can ponder those questions anymore Sam comes into my room and tells me her parents are hear. I get up and grab my bags and carry them out into the living room. I say hello to Sam's parents and they both hug me. Over the years I have become like another daughter to them and I know they still worry about me and how I'm recovering from the accident that forever altered my world.

"You look well dear" her mother says to me. Her voice is warm and caring and it makes me miss my own mom.

"Thanks" I say tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. "So do you."

I hand my bag to her dad after he tells me he'll take it and then we all head downstairs and out of the apartment. As we near the car I take deep breaths. I can feel myself beginning to panic and I hope the pill that I took ten minutes ago begins to take effect soon. I feel Sam grab my hand and I give her a thankful smile. She knows how hard this is for me. We all get settled into the car and thankfully after a few minutes I feel myself begin to grow tired and relaxed and I willingly allow myself to slip into unconsciousness.


After I run out of her apartment I can't bring myself to leave just yet so instead I wait a ways down from her building, like a creep. About ten minutes later I see a middle aged couple go up into the building and I suspect they are Sam's parents. Sure enough a couple minutes later I see the couple, Sam and Grey all come out together.

She looks nervous and I can't help but notice how she grows more and more pale the closer she gets to the car. Sam comes up beside her and grabs her hand which seems to help ease her. It takes everything in me not to go over there and make sure she's okay. I want to make her feel safe and calm. I don't like seeing her like this.

I watch as they get into the car and take off a minute later. As I watch the car pull away I can't help but feel like she's taking a piece of me with her.

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