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When Julissa said a backyard wedding, she meant it

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When Julissa said a backyard wedding, she meant it.

There was music playing from one of the old radios from god knows what decade. Breakfast tables that were brought out from peoples kitchens, which were only about 7. And lastly, the lack of decor. There were white Christmas lights hanging above the dance floor, which was actually just the patio and a few candles over a beige tablecloth on the main table.

But even then, Citlali realized it was never about having an actual wedding, but just her brother and Julissa celebrating their love. Sharing it.

"Baby, sister. Please have this dance with me." Citlali didn't even get to answer because her brother was already dragging her on to the dance floor.

"Have I told you that you look very handsome?"

"No, but everyone else has, so go ahead, say it." Nolan teased his sister who threw her head bak with laughter. " I'm kidding, you -you have to know that."

The girl smiled. "I know you're not."

"No, no I'm not. But, you know what, you look beautiful. I don't think I've ever seen you dress up before. Or a dress even."

"Oh my god. Did I just receive a compliment from thee Nolan?"

"Shut up." The male rolled his eyes and began chuckling with his baby sister. "It's the first and only. The rest are for Julissa."

As the two continued to sway back and forth and occasionally throw in a spin, the dance floor slowly filled up. Eventually, partners were changed until Citlali found herself sitting alone at a table because Paul had took it upon himself to dance with her mother for the last few songs. That or Ms.Caldwell just wouldn't let him go.

"Yo, hey Cit."

"Embry. Hey." The girl smiled seeing the male just standing there awkwardly near her table. "You enjoying yourself?"

"I actually just got here." He explained as he waved at people from across the yard. "It wasn't easy convincing my mom, but when she saw me wearing a tie, she realized I wasn't lying.  By the way you look very beautiful." He sat his plate of food down and took the seat next to her.

"Thanks. You're not too bad yourself." She complimented him moving her eyes from him and back to the dance floor. "Kind of reminds me of sixth grade graduation."

"Oh, man." The boy chuckled at the memory. They were all so young and had dressed up for the first time. "The only difference now is the long hair I had back then."

"Yeah," the girl looked over at him. "We both share that." The girl looked down, catching sight of the few short strands of hair that moved in front of her face. Although, she didn't entirely miss it.

"I really liked you with the long hair."

"Oh...Really?" The girl tried not to think into the comment too much. "It's actually a lot easier to tame it. Actually, I don't really have to do anything, It doesn't get tangled anymore."

"Oh. I forgot about that. Yeah, that is something I don't miss." He agreed and decided to start eating. Occasionally glancing over at her, though she seemed distracted because the entire time she was just watching people on the dance floor. Or more specifically, Paul. Though when he would catch her starring she would look down at her hands, which were painted a baby pink color. Embry on the other hand didn't realize this and only saw it as her being bored.

"Do you want to dance?" Embry decided to ask.

"Citlali, can I have the honor of dancing with you?" Paul had asked at the same time as his friend. Surprised, Citlali turned around smiling.

"How can I say no?" She smiled and took his hand. "See you around, Embry." She waved and let Paul lead her to the dance floor.

"Let me know now.We're you going to say yes?" His tone had changed, that was obvious and though he was smiling it was clearly he very angry.

"Of course you heard." She sighed looking behind Paul to see Embry looking right at her.Iy was very clear he also wanted to know her answer.

"You didn't answer me."

"Yes. I would have said yes." She truthfully answered. Immediately, Paul pulled away from the girl. "Paul, let me finish." She begged. "Paul." She begged, trying not to cause a scene. "Paul." She tried again this time going after him. "Paul, please." When her hand reached his shoulder, he shoved she away not even for a second remembering his own strength.

Citlali alway thought Paul having a jealousy fit was the last thing she would see. But she was so wrong. Paul putting his hands on her, that was, that was it.

Rubbing her arms from where she swore she would get a bruise, Embry, who had seen the whole thing came running to her side after having called Sam. "Hey, you okay?"

"Citlali, are you okay?" Sam had finally showed up.

"Of course. I'm fine." She replied still holding onto her sore arm. "Don't tell Nolan. At least not right today." She corrected herself because she knew he would find out by tomorrow. Turning around, lifting her dress a bit so she wouldn't step on it, she headed inside completely ignoring Embry who was so set on talking to her.

"Cit, please talk to me." The male continued to try. "Citlali."

"Just- leave me alone." The girl quickly stepped away and headed inside where she found herself in the De LaCruz restroom. More than ever, all she wanted to do was go home and lay in bed, but the problem was that Paul wouldn't be there. She had gotten so used to having him sleep with her that she couldn't even sleep without his warmth. Or scent.

When tomorrow comes. - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now