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Oh how he adores her

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Oh how he adores her.

If there's one thing Paul wants, it's to officially call Citlali his. To be able to kiss the girl at least once. Sure he wishes things were moving at a faster pace such as his friends Jared and Nolan, but he also likes knowing that it's not just the imprint, that she actually wants to be with him. So his plan was to at least take her on a small date by the end of the night.

So when he suggested they hung out again the following day, she wasn't expecting for him to show up bright and early in the morning.

"What's going on?" She asked after she led him into her house.

"Nothing." he shook is head following the girl to her room. "I just got off patrol, your brother said I can stay over...in his room." He chuckled to himself at the last part because of course although Nolan approved their relationship-or whatever they currently are, it didn't mean he was going to let everything slide.

"Okay, well do you want to eat something first."

"No, it's okay. I'm just going to shower first." He shook his head once again, only she knows he hasn't eaten. They had spent the whole day together yesterday until he had to go to patrol, and the only thing the two ate was buttered waffles, which was the only thing that wasn't spoiled in the Lahote household. She isn't stupid. He hasn't eaten, but she knows he's probably just to shy to say so.

"Paul." She said his name in a don't fight me way. "Come on. Eat something. My mom already cooked us breakfast. Well, technically, it's just leftover food that she made this morning for her lunch."

"Cit, i'm good. I'm just going to shower." He smiled at her quickly before walking out of her room towards her brothers room. She hadn't even noticed the backpack that hung from his right shoulder, which was a surprise because he was shirtless like always, she should have noticed the black strap. but then again She's always trying not too look his shirtless body, she's afraid of being caught by him or worse, her brother and or mother, she could only imagine she constant teasing she would receive if that were to happen.

She meant well, Citlali didn't listen. Instead of blow-drying her hair, she decided to use those few minutes to warmup the food for him so that it was ready once he was out of the shower. She didn't care that there was a chance of her getting 'sick' because she would be walking out of the home with wet hair, it was all just superstition to her.

Scribbling a small note, the girl placed it on her brothers dresser with the food before she took off to her bedroom where she began to layer up her clothes, for it was still pretty chilly outside.


School, well school was school for Citlali. it was the same thing everyday. Repeated gossip on Sam's cult, and now, the new one. The one where Citlalli's now dating Paul, after someone saw her at his house the night before. At this point she didn't care, what people said about her because it wasn't true. Not yet aleast, and frankly it isn't anyones business. But, there was one person that it affected.

"Why didn't you tell me you're dating Paul Lahote." Maddie Littlesea angrily  bombarded the girl who was standing at her locker. "I had to hear it from my kid brother. You know how embarrassing that is?"

"I'm not dating Paul. Yet." The girl chuckled at the last part making Maddie calm down.

"Oh goody." She sighed placing a hand over her heart. "For a moment I thought you broke girl code, but I have to talk to Mr.Afgina about that quiz last week."

"There's a girl code?" Citlali frowned, watching her friend take off to class.

"Girls are weird." A voice came from behind the girl making her jump a bit. Turning over her right shoulder she found herself face to face with Jared. "Don't tell Kim I said that."

"Tell me What?" Kim walked up next to him making jump.

"I have to go to class but I'll see you later." Jared quickly pecked his girlfriends lips good bye before taking off. Leaving the two girls alone, once confused and the other with a smile she couldn't hide.

"Weirdo." Kim muttered. "All the guys are training together later. Do you want to go to Emily's with me and help her cook?"

"Uhh- yeah. Sure. I guess I can meet Paul there. We're supposed to hang out."

"Again?" The girl asked earning a confused frown. "Jared mentioned it last night. They can read each other's thoughts remember?"

"Yeah. Yeah. Right. I almost forgot." She forced a smile, happy that she didn't have to deal with that because god only knows how many time she's thought about kissing Paul. Or for instance this morning when when he was shirtless, she was trying so hard to not think about running her hand son his chest.

"Okay, I'll drive. Meet me there?"

"Sure." Citlali nodded agreed only because Kim was already walking away.


After school couldn't have come sooner for Citlali. The entire day continued the same as when she arrived. The stares and the whispers everyone asked. Was she dating Paul and was she too going to join their cult. All this because she was seen with Paul, how did Kim manage to stay out of the rumor mill? Oh, right, She pretty popular, Citlali answered herself as she moved across the parking lot towards Jared's familiar green truck.

There they stood, Jared holding Kim by the waist and they ever so often lagged and kissed in between talking. "Don't be gross." A very all too familiar voice made her look up. "At least wait until you're alone." The male laughed, earning a playful shove from Jared. "Hey, Cit." He used the nickname he had given her, which eventually stuck with everyone on the reservation.

"Hey, Embry. How's it going?" She politely asked meaning every word she said.

"Well, I fell asleep in class, failed a pop quizz, and Jared here ate my lunch. I'm great." He smiled with the all too familiar smile Citlali once enjoyed seeing, but still, it was nothing compared to Paul's. His smile, it just- it made her week in the knees. She could just see it, imagine it every time she closes her eyes. It's unforgettable and honestly, she's never actually seen him without some sort of smile.

"You we're patrolling last night?" She asked.

"Yeah, it was Paul and I's turn to train Jacob. Anyway, I got to get home and check in with my mom before I leave, so I'll see you guys later." He shyly side hugged the girl before moving over to Kim to do the same before taking off.

"Alright, lets go." Jared clapped leading Kim to the drivers aide of the truck, but before he could even open the door Kim stopped him. "He's in a better mood." Kim whispered. "Yeah, I spoke with Jacob this morning, said Embry and Paul fought-again." He added earning a look from Kim. "Yeah." He nodded. "But I think, things are going to be okay now, I mean they really talked for a while."

"That's good. Great even. Maybe now Paul can finally ask her out with having to worry all the time."


It's been a while. But you know what?
Better late than ever.
And I know y'all have been waiting for some Paul and Citlali moments and let me tell ya! It's coming!
Also, I'm terribly sad because the Houston Rodeo was shut down and I was supposed to see Lizzo.

But for real though, I'd like to know...Where are y'all from?

When tomorrow comes. - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now