Three Months Before

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Three months before

Three months before

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"Yes." Citlali replied to her best friend frustratedly kicking water out of a pot hole as the two walked down the wet gravel road. "Of course I'm worried about Embry, But I trust him. He's probably just sick." She added apprehensively.

In fact, Citlali knows the boy she loves very well. He wouldn't miss a day of school unless he was dying. Since the 5th grade, It's been his life time goal to get his very own perfect attendance trophy like he once seen in the Caldwell household which belonged to Citlali's older brother.

The two long haired girls were reachingg the end of the road when Maddie suggested She ask his friends who were a few feet behind them.

"No." The taller girl snapped. "I told you I trust him. I'm just going to continue waiting for him like the patient girlfriend that I am. Then, when he finally comes, I'll simply listen." She finished very flustered before she dramatically crossed the road to make her way down the street to her home.

All that was heard was Maddie's usual frustrated groan as she walked in the opposite direction to her home. Citlali couldn't blame her, Maddie has always been curiously looking out for others. There's been hundreds of times where the girl wishes she had her best friends traits, because being very patient and calm was the worst for her. As much as she tries, she can't seem to change who she is, but the worst is when she finally explodes after holding it in for so long.

As Citlali continued her journey home, She could hear footsteps behind her, which were the same ones that always walked behind her on the days it didn't rain.

"Citlali, hey. Have you heard from Embry?" Jacob Black, one of her boyfriends best friends asked as he hurried up next to her.

"No." She admitted shyly. "Though, I really do hope you have."

"Not a word." Jacob replied biting his lips as he starred down at his feet, which is a habit Embry hates about Jacob to the point that Citlali knew about it because he often mentioned it to her. Usually, it meant he was nervous and she knew why. She was hard to talk to, because she usually only spoke with few words with a tone that made her seem like the meanest person in the world, but not on purpose. "I'm sure he's fine. Probably has mono or something."

"Maybe." The girl agreed and started walking faster to her house. It's not that she doesn't like Jacob, she has nothing against him. She just doesn't know him because Embry would rather them two to be alone than with his friends because he says they're just going to embarrass him.

"Mom, I'm home!" The brunette made her presence known when she walked through the front door and headed straight to her room where the first thing she did was kick off her shoes. "Jesus, Embry." The girl shrieked when she looked up into the mirror and saw him sitting down on her bed, his elbows resting on his knees with his head starring at the carpet. He said nothing while the girl tried to have a good look at his new appearance. In all the years she's known him, never had she seen him with short hair, nor could she ever imagine it happening, but seeing It, she really liked it. "Hey, are you okay?"

He didn't respond. Unsure of what to do, she dropped her backpack and took a seat next to him, one leg on the bed while the other hung off. The dead air in the room, was making her uncomfortable.

"I was going to ask my mom if I could go to your house tonight." She finally spoke up.

"Its a good thing you didn't." Was all he said starring down at his hands.

"Am i- uhhmm-" She didn't say a thing because she was confused for a moment. Something was up. She knew it. She just didn't understand what it could be. Instead of saying anything else, She wrapped her arms around his while resting her head on his warm shoulder.

"I want to break up with you."

Citlali's eyes flew open immediately looking up at him, not believing what he just said. "I don't want to be w-." He paused. "-I have nothing else to say. I'm sorry." He stood up and just jumped out the girls window like a stranger.

The girl struggled for breath as she held in the need to cry and let the tears fall. The boy she fell in love with in junior high had officially broken her heart.


Funny how it's raining today, Citlali thought as she climbed out of the car that dark morning. She slammed the car door shut, which she never brings because she'd rather save gas for farther drives.

With no sleep, swollen eyes Citlali was forced to go to school when all She wanted to do was cry in bed. But somehow she was convinced Embry wasn't going to show up to school, because he had already skipped a whole two weeks, but boy was she wrong when she walked through the front doors to see him at the end of the hall meeting her eyes.

"Cit." Maddie ran up to her, wrapping her long arms around the girl not realizing that Citlali still had a view of Embry. She had no idea what he could be possibly thinking because he held an expressionless face, but that wasn't the worse part. He was with them. He went from calling them 'Hall Monitors on steroids', to becoming one.

"Hey, you okay?" Jacob Black walked up to the two of girls starring at a wretched Citlali. The word spread of the two breaking up faster than she thought, so it was no wonder Jacob came to her aid.

Don't cry, she told herself. The girl closed her eyes and breathed in, taking deep breaths. Don't cry.

"Citlali?" Jacob asked again

"No." She shook her head moving away from the two. "I need to go home." She blurted out and turned around making the small journey home. "I blame you. This is your fault Call!" Maddie shouted across the hall pointing at the heart-breaker himself.

"Why can't I stop crying? Stop crying!" The Citlali yelled letting the anger that built up get the best of her. She was trying to bandage up her hand after She had broken the mirror to her dresser. Her hair kept getting in the way along with the heavy tears that formed and slid down to the tip of her nose making her constantly wipe it which eventually made her hands too wet, making the tape no longer work.

"Screw this." She frustratedly threw the bloody bandage and tape across the bathroom and reached for the scissors in the linen closest. Starring down at the yellow scissors, she made a quick decision and just cut off a chunk of her hair. Liking what she saw, she continued with the rest. "There no going back now."


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