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About three hours had passed since Jared dropped the girls off at Emily's and still, Citlali had yet to see Paul

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About three hours had passed since Jared dropped the girls off at Emily's and still, Citlali had yet to see Paul. The entire time the girls just drank coffee and chatted while they waited, but soon after Kim had to leave, and so the two that we're left decided to bake, since it wouldn't be long before the guys showed up.

But the problem was that they all came back a lot sooner than expected, for the familiar howls from the guys was heard outside, alarming them they were back.

"Cit, can you grab the cups please- You guys hungry?" Emily asked gathering some of her muffins to take to the guys. "Like I have to ask." She giggled making Citlali snort as well. After reaching for the glass cups in the cabinet, the girl turned around to not only see two of the guys but surprisingly, a girl with them.

"Who's this?" Emily asked, the question Citlali wanted to know.

"Bella Swan, who else?" Jared replied in a duh tone, taking a cup from her. "Thanks. Uh-How long ago did she leave?" He asked. He whispered.

"Less than an hour ago." Citlali simply replied as she handed the other cup to her ex who quickly thanked her, But it seemed he didn't hear her because he had been talking to Bella when Jared jumped in.

"Would you shut up? These are trade secrets. Damn it! This chick runs with vampires."

Citlali didn't know what to think. She was too uncomfortable around them to laugh just as Emily had. But she was also very surprised that this fragile looking girl sitting right across from her was friends with vampires. Like actually friends with them.

"Oh, Bella, this is Citlali." Embry gestured to the girl.

"Oh, you're Embrys girlfriend." The girl sounded surprised and walked over to shake the girls hands. "I've heard so much about you." Bella added making Citlali look over at Embry who was shaking his head.

"We broke up months ago." He clarified.

"I am so sorry." Bella apologized now confused as to why the girl was there in the first place. If she wasn't dating Embry, why is she there? Why stick around? Though Bella's question was answered immediately when Two more people walked in, one of them immediately went and sat down in an open chair, pulling Citlali onto his lap, hugging the girl from the behind, making her silently giggle.

"Sorry." Paul quickly looked over a Bella before moving his eyes back onto Citlali who was now frowning. "I may have gotten angry and shifted in front of her." Paul shrugged as if it were no big deal.

"It's okay. It's what you do best." She patted his head in a joking manner causing the guys to start hollering with laughter. This only made him squeeze her tighter, a resting his face on her back, inhaling her familiar scent. Meanwhile she had managed to turn to face him an noticed a disappearing scratch on his arm. Meaning he had gotten hurt while fighting...again.

"Citlali, good to see you again." Sam Uley towards the table for a muffin greeting the girl that has been running through the Paul's mind all day, well more like every second of every day. It the begging it was annoying to most of the guys but the guys that imprinted understood. The thing was that Sam believes that it'll (hopefully) stop once Paul mans up and asked the girl out.

"Like wise Sam." She gave him a smile. "Jake." She gave him a small wave.

"Citlali, Hey." He sent her an uneasy smile, for he still wasn't used to the idea of her and Paul together. She had always been Embry's girl. His Best Friends girlfriend and now. Now she was in the arms of someone else. Literally.

"Where's my brother?" She asked after noticing that he hadn't came in with the others. "Julissa?" She asked earning a nod from Paul.

"Come on." He finally decided carrying her off his leg so that he could stand up.

"Where are you two going?" Jared shouted as he laughed with Sam and Jacob knowingly. "I asked where you going!"

"Where are we going?" Citlali asked curiously as he led her out the small home.

"Somewhere." Was all Paul answered as he gestured for her to get into the truck. "You trust me right?"

"Yeah." She nodded. "I do." She responded, which made him smile and pull her into a hug kissing her head. If the two had already been dating then he would have definitely given her a kiss, but they weren't and he wanted to change that as soon as possible.

The drive wasn't awkward to say the least. It was just right. Silent with soft music in the background and Citlali and Paul's favorite part. The hand holding that surprised both of them. Citlali because she wasn't expecting it and Paul, because he had the courage to do it and also because she didn't pull away. That part meant a lot to him.

"So we going to The Lodge Cafè?" Citlali asked once Paul had parked the borrowed truck he drove and she had look out the window.

"We are going on a date." Paul replied. Normally he would have been cheeky and smiley about it, but he was nervous about what she was going to say.

"Most guys ask first though."

"Yeah, But I didn't want you to say no."

"What?" Citlali asked trying to hold in her in coming laugh, but it quickly became too much that he to began to laugh with her, not as loud as she was but enough to still hear her. In fact, this was the first time she laughed this loud in front of him, usually it was always a snort or giggle, but this was genuine and he loves that she was slowly letting go and being herself because from the very beginning, he knew that she was holding back, everybody knows it and it all Embry's fault. Not because he broke her heart, but really just that in the beginning, when he was still so in love with the girl; he would constantly think about their time together forgetting that everybody could hear him and right after Paul imprinted he wished he could get to know her. The real her.

"You're being ridiculous Paul. Why would I have said no. Honestly, I have been waiting for you to ask." She teased before jumping out of the truck and shutting the door. Immediately, Paul was quickly hopping out and running to her side as he quickly slide on an old t shirt. "Hold on." He reached for her hand stopping her from going into the cafe. "You mean to tell me that you like me. That you've been waiting for me to make the move."

"Yes, Paul. Yes. I have and it's about damn time." She smiled and surprised him by reaching for his neck and pulling him down to her lips which he didn't hesitate to kiss back.

Hate say it.
But I told y'all!

When tomorrow comes. - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now