Twilight Tag

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So, I answered these questions 2 years ago, and was looking back at them when I realized my answer are so different now. So her i go again.
...Feel free to ask away.

1. Which movie is your favorite?
New Moon

2. Which book is your favorite?

3. What has your experience been with the Twilight Saga?
Believe it or not, I was one of those kids that thought reading wasn't cool....Twilight isn't cool. I was twelve years old in the sixth grade making fun of anyone who liked twilight until the day my mother came home with a copy of the movie. I thought, why not just watch it and I did. I was hooked.
The very next day I showed up to school, apologized to the one girl I had teased and asked to borrow her copy of twilight and ironically, she did. Since then, I've been reading books.

4. Team Edward or Jacob?
I'm settling with Edward. But Seth!

5. Who is your favorite Cullen?

6: favorite song from each soundtrack?

Let me sign- Robert Pattinson

New Moon:
Possibility by Luke Li

With you in my head by Uncle ft. The Black Angel

Breaking Dawn:
Requiem On Water by Imperial Mammoth

Breaking Dawn2:
Where I come from by Passion Pit

7.favorite soundtrack?
New Moon

8. How often do you watch a twilight movie?
2-3 a month

9.  Would you rather be a vampire or werewolf?
Vampire. Duh

10. What vampire power would you want?
Jane's gift, illusion of pain

11. What embarrassing thing did you do because of twilight?
Lol, I planned to get married and walked down the isle to Sleeping at last.

12. A part that made you cry?
Leah(my boo)talking to Jake about not wanting to go back to Sam's pack.

13. Rank the movies from favorite to least.
New moon
Breaking dawn
Breaking Dawn 2

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