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If the La Push pack was filled with normal humans, then you'd see Paul and Embry covered in cuts and bruises, but they aren't

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If the La Push pack was filled with normal humans, then you'd see Paul and Embry covered in cuts and bruises, but they aren't. Instead one, Paul, stood with pride as happy as ever, while the other, Embry, was more than depressed. After Paul explained what happened, Embry lost it which involved the two to phase and start fighting. It wasn't until Paul finally won, that Sam had to order Embry with his Alpha voice to stay away from the girl from now on because clealry the warnings weren't enough.

Alpha's order get's obeyed wheather we want them to or not. That was the first thing Embry learned when he first joined the pack And now, he hates being a werewolf more than anything. Since the day of the incident, it seemed that Citlali couldn't stop thinking about Paul and his promise. It was now Friday, and it seemed like he did keep it because in the last three days Embry hadn't shown up to school. "This is a good thing." Maddie told Citlali that Friday afternoon as the two walked home.

"Yeah." Citlali faked a smile, she couldn't help but think why he did it, why he made her that promise. She didn't even know the kid. What she did know was that he's in a grade level higher than her and that he used to keep to himself until he started hanging around with Sam Uley and his friends which now included Embry.

"Hey, so it's been five months since the Cullen's moved away, there's going to be a bonfire at the cliffs. Will you come with me?"

"Yeah, sure. I'd go to that." Citlali replied sarcastically. Gatherings, let alone parties had never been her thing, and they most likely never will be. Maddie knew this but she always hoped for a different answer.

"It was worth a try. Speaking of, a certain someone couldn't keep their eyes off of you."

Citlali frowned at her friend. "What?"

"Paul Lahote." Maddie sang. Honestly, Citlali didn't even tell her friend about that promise, so she believed her because why else would she bring that up. Really, the last thing she wants is to talk about boys. It was never really a topic she could talk to anybody about, not her best friend let alone her mom. She always just kept her feelings to herself, but still, she was curious.

"What are you talking about?"

"Paul, the brown eyed hunk. I swear, every time you happened to be in the same room as him, he looks at you like, like he's in love with you."

"Yeah, okay. I got to go." Citlali held on tighter to her backpack and crossed the street like she did everyday, ignoring her friends calls. She didn't want to believe it, that what her friend had said was true because deep down she had these strange feelings about about him. She couldn't control it, it just happened so suddenly and now Paul was in her head twenty-four-seven.

"Mom, i'm home!" The girl called out walking through the wood paneled living room.

"She's not here." Came her brothers familiar voice from the kitchen. "She said she was going to the Clearwaters, don't wait up."

"Hmm." Citlali shrugged and headed off into her room while her brother followed closely behind. "What's up with you?" She asked turning around to take the small orange basket ball he held in his.

Since late December he hadn't been around, in fact, he had joined up with Sam Uley and the others. So him being home was unusual and frankly concerning. "I just want to spend time with my lovely sister."

"What do you want?" She asked knowingly laying on her bed, tossing the ball up only to catch it and repeat.

"Go with me to a bonfire."

"Nah, I have better things to do." Citlali scrunched her nose disgusted with the idea of hanging out with her brother just to tick him off. Although she loved him, she couldn't stand the thought of hanging with his friends. With Embry.

"What? Why not? It's better than staying in, doing nothing all the time." He begged watching her now shake her jacket off.

"Nolan, what's so great about hating the Cullen's? Like honestly, what would you think if someone threw a party because you left town?"

"If I left town nobody would throw a party, they'd cry. Everybody loves me." He confidently replied making Citlali roll her eyes. Shaking her head, her eyes gazed at the ceiling for a few seconds as if asking the man in the sky, why? Why, did she get stuck having an idiot brother?

"If only you're brain was as big as your ego." The girl smirked pulling out a warmer sweater from her dresser.

"You take that back."

"I'll take it back the day you stop cutting school." Citlali replied sliding on her sweater as she headed out of her room to the kitchen with a frustrated Nolan charging after her.  "Oww!" Citlali cried when she was in mid air being thrown over her brothers shoulder. "Nolan put me down!"

"Say you'll go to the bonfire!" He demands laughing.

"No way."

"No?" He smirks and starts running around the house with her still over his shoulder.

"Nolan! Nolan stop! Put me down." The teenager begged but it was no use so she had to give in. "Fine, I'll go to the stupid bonfire for a little while. Now put me down!" She repeated.

"As you wish." Nolan laughed letting himself fall backwards so she could be slammed onto the sofa.

"Nol." Citlali didn't know if she should cry or laugh due to the pain. But either way, she toughed it out since this is what her and her brothers relationship has always been like. According to Nolan, she needs to toughen up, be able to defend herself. But most of the time it ended with the two arguing and making up because they could never stay mad at each other.

Nolan chuckled walking out of the living room satisfied with himself.  It had been a long time since he and his sister hung out like this, especially ever since he joined the pack. But today, Almost the entire reservation was going to celebrate the five month anniversary, so the pack actually had a free night to themselves. Which is why Paul begged Nolan to invite his sister. Frankly, he was all for it because of how close of a friendship he has with Paul. It didn't bother him that he had imprinted on his baby sister, sure the guy needed to control his anger but he was trying, especially now that he wants to get to know her.

When Nolan first joined the pack, it took a while for him to actually open up to Sam and Jared mostly Jared because of course he had to talk to Sam since he is Alpha, but Paul. Paul was just easy to get along with, it went so well that the two became best friends instantly. Always there for each other, helping in any way they could. If anybody would see the two together, they would think the two had been best friends since grade school, maybe even brothers.

When tomorrow comes. - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now