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"Hey." Citlali was walking to her lunch table Monday afternoon, when Paul leaned back in his chair just to greet her as she walked by, causing her to freeze for a moment.

"I-hi." She smiled back nervously before continuing to her usual table. She wasn't expecting that, the beautiful smile that seems to make her smile just thinking about it.

"Wait, Cit." Paul hurried after her. "I wanted to ask, if you maybe wanted to sit with me- us today?" He quickly corrected.

"Oh." She looked down at her tray of food, then back to her table where Maddie was already waiting for her. She wanted to say yes, she really did but also, she couldn't do that to her friend. "I don't know, I -"

"If this is about Embry, he isn't here today."

What? She looked up at him in surprise. "Actually, I was more worried about my friend sitting down on her own." She admitted honestly.  The fact that he thought she was worried about Embry's presence, meant that he thought she was still hung up on him, and that's the last thing she wants.

"Well, it looks to me like she won't mind." Frowning, Citlali turned to look at her friend who was talking to, Kaleb, a tribe townie she was familiar with. "So, what do you say? Join me?" Paul finally admitted that it was his wanting. He really wanted to take things slow for her sake but how could he when she's all he thinks about. It had gotten so bad that Sam had to change his patrol schedule just so he wouldn't be around Embry because he was still in pain, and Nolan because, well that's his sister and it was becoming too much for him.

"Yeah, i'd like that." She smiled looking back at her friend who was now watching her. When Paul placed a hand on her back, so he can lead her to the table, there was no doubt that she felt the heat shoot up her spine. She had stiffened up, anybody else would have thought that she was actually comfortable.

"You remember Jared and Kim right?" Paul ask as he took a seat next to her.

"Hi, Citlali." Kim smiled cheerfully. Trying to make her feel welcomed and accepted as possible.

And it worked, for a few minutes, the four sat there eating and talking as if they've know each other for a while that is until the two males stood up and said they forgot to do something before taking off. Though it seemed weird to Citlali she let it go when she saw that Kim wasn't bothered by it.

When tomorrow comes. - Paul LahoteWhere stories live. Discover now