⚠️Long chapter

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Crimson POV:
I have everything,I want.
...I think?
I questioned myself while looking at the delinquently made invitation letter.

"You are invited in Franco Zane Smith engagement party with May Stone"

"Two people would finally became one"

Hmmmm..Isn't this what I long for in the past.

Marriage..Ahh no..Love..Warmth?

I thought once again while inhaling the burned cigarette.

But too bad It's nothing to me now.
It doesn't  hurt anymore
I don't feel the gripping pain of suffocation
The loss of being alone 
The sadness of being broken
I became numb
and only the outrageous volcanic hate and anger remains barely contained by strong will of letting go..the past.

Franco Zane Smith,the soon to be groom/my Ex....is a clown...

The man,created illusion of forever,happy endings that we hear from those childish prince and princess themes.

And funnily he himself bought hammer and broke those promises to shred.Leaving this gorgeous me who he got all hopes for alone.He run away...

While I was left shattered,overwhelmed,beaten mentally and physically.

Crying my eyes out all night for 2yrs like a child losing her favorite toy

But thinking about it again "it's funny how the me today was so different to what I was in the past"

The woman who was abandoned by her knight and shining armor became the king commanding those who is below her even the proud knight himself would bow down..

I throw the invitation letter straight to trash.
They should be thankful that I don't give any damn care or else I would have destroy them myself.

I was never a forgiving person to begin with,provoking me again and again is a complete wrong move.

Entering my company,I dress my self with a simple black and white suit exuding a very professional and mature aura.

So far "Felix corporation" is considered to be one of the top realm estate in the country rivaling my father own company "Smith Corp" and Henrick's making a big deal about it
like having my company as one of the top listed in the country is a big achievement but when compared,it still considered low performance than my other Number 2 (Gale Corporate) and Number 4. (Creed Corporation) hidden companies that ranks base of the top companies in whole world.

Inside the office my secretary David handed out today's schedule..Quite a lot but not entirely consuming than the past two weeks maybe within 9:00pm I would be able to go home.

Our company is nearly at its end phrase of a very beneficial deal with the "Vecton company,a very popular entertainment agency" producing and training the excellent performers,models,composers and etc.
May is one of its raising starts.

And tomorrow night,I'll be attending its 10 years anniversary.

It's annoying but what can I do?For sure if I don't attend I would miss the excitement ....Hendrick pity tricks,it always amuses me.

-Time SkIP-
-Night in the party-

It's been 30 minutes since I've arrived at the party.

I can feel the ocean's cold breeze and gigantic waves slowly crashing the boats sides.

Yes,surprisingly the company decided to held the celebration inside the boss's luxurious yacht .

Staring back at the noisy hall there are 173 woman present inside and outside with 40 waitress and 25 prostitutes in the underground place.203 men present with 45 male attends and 80 different bodyguards surrounding the place.Certain number of assassins positioned themselves near its targets maybe 10 people would die while 3 of them would survive.

Hmnn..Why do I know this?Its for safety measures..haahahah

Holding a strong liquor between my long painted nails,I glide my body with playfulness wearing a rose gold floral patterned suit with a carelessly tied hairstyle showing of wildness and finally dark lipstick highlighted my white pale skin and seductive full lips while smirking.

Holding a strong liquor between my long painted nails,I glide my body with playfulness wearing a rose gold floral patterned suit with a carelessly tied hairstyle showing of wildness and finally dark lipstick highlighted my white pale skin and sedu...

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An echo of strong and resilient
*pak* *pak* *pak* was perceived as I walked with confidence.Clearly creating a dramatic re entrance for myself as boldness and playfulness was displayed in the bear eyes of the people.
Capturing respect,envy,admiration but mostly hate from my past competitors to whom I personally smashed with my slyness.

I ignore all of them as I continue to take steps towards the company's C.E.O (Vecton) with my business smile plaster I gave them formal greetings handing over my little present as an acknowledgment or some sort.
But just as the representative reached out his hand.....The yacht suddenly shakes and loud explosion occupied...receiving the people's shocked and alarmed response...and just like that chaos dominated the boat.

Men and women fighting for their lives and survival.The hidden beast covered by their expensive clothe unleashed .Selfishness and cruelty...We are animals living in a concrete jungle.

Steeping my high heels I hop and spring on top of the table as wild air flattered my messy hair and finally setting it free from the bound tie.

I run exiting the hall without care,worries or fear of losing cause I know I will survive.

I did not pause nor flinch as I stomp the fallen people in the ground and swiftly kick the man who slap the woman for a life jacket,stealing it again for myself.

Ready to jump in 69ft deep water,I hold my breath counting.Executing for a perfect jump

1...2...3- Wahhhhhhhhhhh!..I stopped my actions....I-

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