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Arthur's POV:
              In the past,I always wondered how it feels to have someone to hold to,how it feels to have a mother,a mother who cares and love her child.
I was a child born without those.I have 2 younger brothers Kyle and Stiffen,we were supposed to be triplets and just like me we were deprived from the luxuries of being loved -by our birth parents .

We were abandoned by our biological mother for a rich man.Handing us over to our biological  father who also doesn't give a Damn about us being abused by his wife.

So at the early age,me and my brothers were forced to become mature enough to withstand the world and it's challenges.

We learned endurance;from the pain and hardships.

20 years later,we finally reach our dreams Kyle become a C.E.O of  a law firm,Stiffen now owned an architect company.I become a very promising businessman in the country.

I can now afford to buy food
I don't need to starve from hunger
I can buy expensive tailored clothes
I don't need to wear thin tattered clothes anymore
But why...why do I still felt empty?
Why do I feel so cold?

But everything change until I meet Wendy Fall,my first love.She was bright,cheerful,naive and innocent.

I pursued her for 3 yrs until she said yes it was as the best thing happened in my whole life besides having my brothers but then things started to go downhill after that.

My brothers went missing so their companies was left without a leader.Stress overcomes me as my "Shadow guards" didn't find them until I mobilized my Mafia.

But just as I was about to receive the call from them.Wendy who I didn't see for a week visit my office.

Pleading help to rescue her parents.Worried about her health I didn't pick up the incoming call from the investigator but went out to follow her at the end of the cliff.

Only to find out that her parents wasn't really in danger but it was a ploy to kill me.

Wendy's knife pierce my heart it hurts but the betrayal overshadowed it.It turns out she was sent by my best friend Alex to kill me and take over the company.She told me that it was my fault why she got separated with Alex for years.It was ridiculous...

After spilling out her previous grievance and indecent activities with Alex,She finally pushed me but I grab her hands  as we fall together.

She screamed loudly while falling and
I just look at her with silent tears "This was the woman who he thought would love him"

I died afterwards.

Waking up once again, I realize I've not only reincarnated as a baby but exactly came back 25 yrs in the past.

Yes!God must have favored me as she gave me another chance to live." My eyes brighten with delight as I planned how to escape with my brothers before we turned 5 because that man would surely take us only to get tortured by his wife and other child.

With overpowering determination,I tried to stand up on my own but to no avail I was defeated.

The next day,I woke up and saw a dangerously gorgeous woman.She looks like the goddess of war,who bought people down to their knees and calamities.Face with pale snow complexion  tingling of strawberry blush,Her musk green hair on top of her head nimbly waves,every strand is fine as a fiber only at the length of her white swan neck, her red full lips were formed into a smirk completely opposed to what her electric blue eyes hold;warmth and gentleness as her eyelids fluttered long jet black eyelashes waving at the gentle breeze.Her strong willed eyebrow seems to have loss its vigor  lying low showing a hint of kindness;completing her's my biological mother..Sarah Willer...To whom I am familiar and unfamiliar at the same time.
I don't hate her but I feel disgusted so I tried to wobble my self out of her embrace.

"Shhhhh~don't cry my little baby Arthur"she urge while containing me on her soft embrace.

Looking throughly,this....this woman is not Sarah Miller(original owners name),I'm sure of it.Because Sarah in the past always treated us;brothers as a hindrance of her dreams.She would never hold gentleness in her eyes much less hold us near her body like a treasure.

It's been 9 Months since the day I got reincarnated and due to my 25 yrs old soul.I can now crawl in a moderately slow speed stumbling pretty much every 2 step.

I also learned that my two brothers got reincarnated;just like me;they also fall into Wendy's trap.

But what weirds me out the most is our fourth brother,Hale.

In the past he wasn't supposed to be here,he should have died as a baby but miraculously he survived in this lifetime.

I've heard once through the nurses gossip that the Woman (Crimson/Scarlet) threatened the doctor with a scalpel.She truly is crazy but I'm thankful for that at least we have our four brother.

Our brother Hale,always act cold,distant and superior with us,it irritates me as the oldest but when he faced her (mother) he's attitude change 180°.

Like a puppy loving the fact she called him "Her Little pudding"

-11 months-
2months past by Kyle and Stiffen who goes by name Ethan and Cole loved the woman as their true mother but hold the urge to call her one because I couldn't accept it yet so they've waited.After all it's not simple for me to let go of the grievance.

In 3 days,the woman decided to get discharged because Hale is now safe from any signs of complications.

I'm not worried to wherever that woman called home,we've stayed in the VVVIP room for months which proves that this woman had the capability to raise 4kids on her on besides I'm really not afraid of hardships or poverty as long as she treats my brothers right.Its okay with me.

But when I finally toughen myself for the hard life to come,a group of maids,care takers and 50+bodyguards with expensive car as their transportation greeted us I feel embarrassed and relief at the same time.

Lying down the Nanny's arm,I've patiently closed my eyes only to be awoken by a cold threatening's from the woman..What happened.....

To be continued..

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